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Dunnewijk, Theo, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes (). 254  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Hollanders, Hugo and Wintjes, René, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe: Diversity in Knowledge Potential and Policy Options" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes (). 269  
Kroll, Henning, Baier, Elisabeth, Heijs, Joost, Hollanders, Hugo, Schricke, Esther, Stahlecker, Thomas and Wintjes, René (2011). Development of a methodology for the profiling of regional economies. n/a. 796  
Hollanders, Hugo and Ziesemer, Thomas (1999). From Which Side to the Steady State of the Augmented Solow Model? The Role of Country-Specific Total Factor Productivity Growth Rates. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 851 189
Huang, Can, Arundel, Anthony and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). How firms innovate: R&D, non-R&D, and technology adoption. UNU-MERIT. 1321 622
Wintjes, René, Dunnewijk, Theo and Hollanders, Hugo (2002). ICT Monitor Vlaanderen: Eindrapport van een haalbaarheidsstudie. 725  
Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2011). Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation. UNU-MERIT. 913 446
Walendowski, Jacek, Kroll, Henning, Stahlecker, Thomas, Baier, Elisabeth, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). Innovation patterns and innovation policy in European regions - trends, challenges and perspectives. UNU-MERIT. 770  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Hollanders, Hugo and Wintjes, René (2004). Knowledge-Index South Netherlands. 736 157
Tijssen, Robert, Nederhof, Anton, van Leeuwen, Thed, Hollanders, Hugo, Kanerva, Minna and van den Berg, Peter (2010). Science and Technology Indicators 2010. UNU-MERIT. 782  
Hollanders, Hugo and Kanerva, Minna (2009). Service sector innovation: Measuring innovation performance for 2004 and 2006 using sector specific innovation indexes. 677 198
Buligescu, Bianca, Hollanders, Hugo and Saebi, Tina (2012). Social attitudes to innovation and entrepreneurship. 788  
Meijers, Huub and Hollanders, Hugo (2003). Sources of Growth: Measuring the Knowledge Based Economy. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 698 288
Garcia, Abraham and Hollanders, Hugo (2009). The Diffusion of Informal Knowledge and Innovation Performance: A sectoral approach. UNU-MERIT. 723 160
Kanerva, Minna and Hollanders, Hugo (2009). The impact of the economic crisis on innovation - Analysis based on the Innobarometer 2009 survey. 755 207
Hollanders, Hugo, Soete, Luc and Weel, Bas ter (1999). Trends in Growth Convergence and Divergence and Changes in Technological Access and Capabilities. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 700 276
Tijssen, Robert and Hollanders, Hugo (2006). UNU Policy Brief Number 11, 2006. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 229 47
Tijssen, Robert and Hollanders, Hugo (2006). Using Science and Technology Indicators to Support Knowledge-based Economies. United Nations University Policy Brief. UNU-MERIT. 1226 200
Tijssen, Robert and Hollanders, Hugo (2006). Using Science and Technology Indicators to support knowledgebased economies. UNU Policy Brief. UNU-MERIT. 672 172