Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation
Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2011). Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Wintjes, René
Hollanders, HugoTitle Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation Publication Date 2011 Publisher UNU-MERIT Abstract This paper highlights the great diversity in development pathways and trajectories of innovation across European regions. A regional knowledge-based economy has multi-dimensional aspects. It includes a variety of knowledge activities and multiple interactions among a range of actors including universities, research institutes, enterprises, knowledge workers and institutions. The spatial patterns and trends for the different aspects of the knowledge-based economy vary significantly across Europe. Most aspects show convergence and generate catching-up processes, while some show divergence between European regions. Overall, absorption capacity has increased in importance and education is an important challenge for future regional development. Place-based innovation policy is essential to enhance synergies among co-evolving knowledge capabilities and encourage smart specialisation. Keyword Innovation pathways
Regional development
Innovation policyJEL O18
R11Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2011 -
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