Search Results (Keywords:"Global policy")

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Baert, Francis and Zwartjes, Marieke (2014). How the European Union Can Develop its Approach towards Global Policy Networks. UNU-CRIS.  3.79 606 136
Bhaduri, Amit (2000). Nationalism and Economic Policy in the Era of Globalization. UNU-WIDER.  2.71 446  
Murshed, S. Mansoob (2001). Tax Competition, Globalization and Declining Social Protection. UNU-WIDER.  2.34 328  
Kingah, Stephen (2013). Regionalizing global social policy in times of economic crisis. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.  2.28 509 154
Stewart, Frances (2006). Do We Need a New 'Great Transformation'? Is One Likely?. UNU-WIDER.  2.28 431  
Cogburn, Derrick L. (2002). Emergent Global Information Infrastructure/Global Information Society : Regime Formation and the Impact on Africa. UNU-WIDER.  2.28 322  
Nayyar, Deepak (2006). Development through Globalization?. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 423  
Round, Jeffery I. (2007). Globalization, Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Africa : A Macroeconomic Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 412  
Kolodko, Grzegorz W. (2006). Institutions, Policies and Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 413  
Steglich, Mirjam, Keskin, Ekin, Hall, Andy and Dijkman, Jeroen (2009). Are International Market Demands Compatible with Serving Domestic Social Needs? Challenges in Strengthening Innovation Capacity in Kenya’s Horticulture Industry. UNU-MERIT.  1.98 830  
Lauren McGowan (2023). From Promises to Practice: Towards the Effective Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration. United Nations University.  1.98 304 252
Zevin, Robert B. (1989). Are World Financial Markets More Open? : If so Why and With What Effects?. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 183  
Kolodko, Grzegorz W. (2002). Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 390  
Agosin, Manuel R. (2001). Global Integration and Growth in Honduras and Nicaragua. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 370  
Aguayo-Tellez, Ernesto, Muendler, Marc-Andreas and Poole, Jennifer Pamela (2008). Globalization and Formal Sector Migration in Brazil. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 477  
Daems, Rutger, Maes, Edith and Ramani, Shyama V. (2011). Global Framework for differential pricing of pharmaceuticals. UNU-MERIT.  1.98 908 260
Kundu, Amitabh and Kundu, Debolina (2010). Globalization and Exclusionary Urban Growth in Asian Countries. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 386  
Palo, Matti (1999). Forest Transitions and Carbon Fluxes : Global Scenarios and Policies. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 411  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2010). Higher education and science policies in the Arab region: National, regional and global processes. UNU-MERIT.  1.98 431 250
Pegatienan Hiey, Jacques (1987). Country Study 16 : Côte D'Ivoire. UNU-WIDER.  1.98 117  
UNU-IIGH ed. Evaluation Report for Early-Career Professionals Workshop Series 2020-10-14 Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2021.  1.98 208 80
Sandholz, Simone, Wannewitz, Mia, Moure, Mar and Garschagen, Matthias (2020). Costs and benefits of (in)coherence: Disaster Risk Reduction in the Post-2015-Agendas. United Nations University- Institute for Environment and Human Security.  1.98 6361 1468
Gries, Thomas (2011). Climate and Industrial Policy in an Asymmetric World. UNU-WIDER.  1.85 339  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (1999). Liberalization, Globalization and Income Distribution. UNU-WIDER.  1.62 471  
Abdenur, Adriana E. (2022). What can Global Governance do for Forests? Cooperation and Sovereignty in the Amazon. United Nations University.  1.62 342 497
Yeldan, A. Erinc (2000). The Impact of Financial Liberalization and the Rise of Financial Rents on Income Inequality : The Case of Turkey. UNU-WIDER.  1.62 341  
Narula, Rajneesh and Dunning, John (2009). Multinational enterprises, development and globalisation: Some clarifications and a research agenda. UNU-MERIT.  1.62 456 1048
Abdenur, Adriana E. (2022). The Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests: Déja Vu or Solid Restart?. United Nations University.  1.62 286 3199
Siri, José G., (2016). Sustainable, healthy cities: making the most of the urban transition. Public Health Reviews, 37(22), 1-5  1.62 425  
Hall, Andy (2008). Embedding Research in Society: Development Assistance Options for Supporting Agricultural Innovation in a Global Knowledge Economy. UNU-MERIT.  1.44 804 290