From Promises to Practice: Towards the Effective Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration
Lauren McGowan (2023). From Promises to Practice: Towards the Effective Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Lauren McGowan Title From Promises to Practice: Towards the Effective Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration Publication Date 2023-05-09 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 4 Language eng Abstract This policy brief summarizes the key themes and recommendations that emerged from a migration policy roundtable held in Geneva in November 2022, six months after the International Migration Review Forum. The event provided an opportunity to reflect on progress related to the implementation of the GCM and discuss challenges that lay ahead to turn the Compact’s promises into practice. Discussions focused on four cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles underpinning the GCM: 1) Respecting, protecting, and fullfilling the human rights of all migrants (regardless of their migrant status, across all stages of the migration cycle); 2) Eliminating all forms of discrimination (including racism, xenophobia, and intolerance) against migrants and their families; 3) Implementing a ‘whole-of-government’ approach – to ensure horizontal and vertical policy coherence (across all sectors and levels of government); and 4) Implementing a ‘whole-of-society’ approach to address migration in all its dimensions. These principles and relevant policy recommendations are discussed in more detail in proceeding sections. UNBIS Thesaurus MIGRATION POLICY
MIGRATIONKeyword Global Compact on Migration
Migration Policy
Migration GovernanceCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280865998 -
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