The Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests: Déja Vu or Solid Restart?
Abdenur, Adriana E. (2022). The Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests: Déja Vu or Solid Restart?. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Abdenur, Adriana E. Title The Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests: Déja Vu or Solid Restart? Publication Date 2022-02-11 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 20 Language eng Abstract By tracing the history of forestry protection in global governance over the past forty years, this policy brief contextualizes the importance of the Glasgow Declaration. While still lacking in the kind of teeth needed, the declaration demonstrates important recognition of the centrality of forests to a range of other climate goals, and could be used for more concerted action in the near future. But to do so, it must address three related challenges in today’s governance of forests: (1) lack of enforcement, leading to an absence of monitoring or meaningful benchmarks globally; (2) a lack of urgency, given the rapidity of deforestation and rate of climate change seen today; and (3) the omission of crucial drivers of deforestation, namely beef, soy, timber, and other export commodities. As such, today’s global governance around forests is too slow, too weak, and too fragmented. On this basis, the brief recognizes the importance of Glasgow, but argues that it must urgently be built upon through five key recommendations. UNBIS Thesaurus GOVERNANCE
FORESTSKeyword Forestry policy
Forest governance
Global goods
Climate change
United NationsCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280865523 -
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