Search Results (UNBIS Thesaurus:"RISK", Keywords:"Vulnerability")

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Walz, Yvonne, Dall, Karen, Graw, Valerie, Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos, Haas, Susanne, Kussul, Nataliia and Jordaan, Andries (2018). Understanding and reducing agricultural drought risk: Examples from South Africa and Ukraine. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.  8.90 1823 1895
Mena Benavides, Melisa, Scheffczyk, Konstantin, Urrutia, Manuel, Huerta, Brenda and Walz, Yvonne (2021). VALE Flood Risk Assessment for Ecuador. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).  7.34 467 409
Walz, Yvonne, Haas, Susanne, Greenough, Karen, Forkuor, Gerald, Mück, Matthias, Taubenböck, Hannes, von Sassen, Stella and Renaud, Fabrice G. (2017). Risk Assessment in West Africa: A Handbook for Practitioners. WASCAL Competence Center.  7.34 6376 1843
Mena Benavides, Melisa, Scheffczyk, Konstantin, Urrutia, Manuel, Huerta, Brenda and Walz, Yvonne (2021). Evaluación del riesgo de inundación en Ecuador. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).  7.34 670 4196
Birkmann, Joern, Laranjeira, Kevin, Goettsche, Franziska, Greiving, Stefan, Fleischhauer, Mark, Schnittfinke, Tanja, Fuchs, Marisa, Puntub, Wiriya, Arens, Sophie, Garschagen, Matthias, Katzschner, Antje, Sandholz, Simone, Wannewitz, Mia, Sett, Dominic, Bueter, Bjoern, Loebig, Janko, Hartz, Andrea, Saad, Sascha, Doerrenbaecher, Svenja-Sarah, Schaal-Lehr, Christine (2023). Ganz schön heisss hier: Lösungsansätze für eine hitzeangepasste Stadtentwicklung. agl Hartz ⋅ Saad ⋅ Wendl.  7.15 26  
Erian, W., Pulwarty, R., Vogt, J.V., AbuZeid, K., Bert, F., Bruntrup, M., El-Askary, H., de Estrada, M., Gaupp, F., Grundy, M., Hadwen, T., Hagenlocher, M., Kairu, G., Lamhauge, N., Li, W., Mahon, R., Maia, R., Martins, E.S.P.R., Meza, I., de los Milagos Skansi, M. (2021). GAR Special Report on Drought 2021. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).  6.95 2238 148
Behanzin, Idelbert, Thiel, Michael, Szarzynski, Joerg and Boko, Michel, (2016). GIS-Based Mapping of Flood Vulnerability and Risk in the Bénin Niger River Valley. International Journal Of Geomatics and Geosciences, 6(3), 1653-1668  6.95 853  
Hagenlocher, Michael, Thieken, Annegret, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Aguirre Ayerbe, Ignacio, Dobes, Pavel, Donovan, Amy, Morsut, Claudia, Paris, Nicholas, Pedoth, Lydia and Tonmoy, Fahim, "Risk Assessment" in Science for Disaster Risk Management: acting today, protecting tomorrow ed. Casajus Valles, A., Marin Ferrer, M., Poljanšek, K. and Clark, I. (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020), 54-65.  6.56 553  
Cremin, Emilie, O'Connor, Jack, Banerjee, Sumana, Bui, Ly Ha, Chanda, Abhra, Hua, Hieu Hong, Huynh, Da Van, Le, Hue, Murshed, Sonia B., Mashfiqus, Salehin, Vu, Anh, Sebesvari, Zita, Large, Andrew RG and Renaud, Fabrice G., (2023). Aligning the Global Delta Risk Index with SDG and SFDRR global frameworks to assess risk to socio-ecological systems in river deltas. Sustainability Science, 18(4), 1871-1891  6.56 203