GAR Special Report on Drought 2021
Erian, W., Pulwarty, R., Vogt, J.V., AbuZeid, K., Bert, F., Bruntrup, M., El-Askary, H., de Estrada, M., Gaupp, F., Grundy, M., Hadwen, T., Hagenlocher, M., Kairu, G., Lamhauge, N., Li, W., Mahon, R., Maia, R., Martins, E.S.P.R., Meza, I., de los Milagos Skansi, M. et al. (2021). GAR Special Report on Drought 2021. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads GAR_Special_Report_on_Drought_2021_0_META.pdf GAR Special Report on Drought 2021_0_META.pdf application/pdf 18.78MB -
Author Erian, W.
Pulwarty, R.
Vogt, J.V.
AbuZeid, K.
Bert, F.
Bruntrup, M.
El-Askary, H.
de Estrada, M.
Gaupp, F.
Grundy, M.
Hadwen, T.
Hagenlocher, M.
Kairu, G.
Lamhauge, N.
Li, W.
Mahon, R.
Maia, R.
Martins, E.S.P.R.
Meza, I.
de los Milagos Skansi, M.
Moderc, A.
Naumann, G.
Negri, R.
Partey, S.T.
Podestá, G.
Quesada, M.
Rakhmatova, N.
Riley, J.E.
Rudari, R.
Shanmugasundaram, J.
Silveira Reis Junior, D.
Singh, C.
Spennemann, P.
Srinivasan, G.
Stefanski, R.
Sušnik, Andreja
Svoboda, M.
Trotman, A
Tsegai, D.
Ünver, Olcay
Van Meerbeeck, C.
Wens, M.
Abdullaeva, S.
Agarwal, A.
Ballantyne, D.
Belikov, D.
Belorussova, O.
Bonnet, G.
Brown, G.
Browne, T.
Cammalleri, C.
Conijn, S.
Ehlert, K.
Fagan, L.
Khasankhanova, G.
Kibaroğlu, A.
Klein, R.
Kovalevskaya, Y.
Van Loon, A.
Massabò, M.
Miguel Saraiva, A.
de Moel, H.
Murray, V.
Nemani, R.
Nishonov, B.
Özgüler, H.
Pai, D.S.
Pascual, V.
Rakhmatova, V.
Ramesh, K.J.
Richards, V.
Rossi, L.
Savitskiy, A.
Schaan, G.
Shardakova, L.
Spinoni, J.
Stone, R.
Stoute, S.
Subbiah, A.
Tarayannikova, R.
Yildiz, D.
Young, S.
Zougmore, R.B.Title GAR Special Report on Drought 2021 Publication Date 2021-06-17 Place of Publication Geneva Publisher United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Pages 210 Language eng Abstract The risks that drought poses to communities, ecosystems and economies are much larger and more profound than can be measured. The impacts are borne disproportionately by the most vulnerable people. Drought impacts are extensive across societies – they interconnect across large areas, cascade through socioecological and technical systems at different scales, and linger through time. A lack of awareness of such characteristics, including the consistent underestimation of the cost of drought impacts, can lead to ineffective response and systemic failure. As understanding of the globally networked aspects of drought and other complex risks improves, the changes required to reduce risk and improve the experience of drought become possible. This Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) Special Report on Drought 2021 aims to take a clear step forward in building that awareness. UNBIS Thesaurus RISK
DROUGHTKeyword Vulnerability
Risk governance
Assessment ReportCopyright Holder United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789212320274 -
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