Search Results (Author ID:"Thinyane, Hannah", isMemberOf:"UNU:7494")

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Sassetti, Francisca and Thinyane, Hannah, (2021). Apprise: inclusive innovation for enhancing the agency of vulnerable populations in the context of anti-trafficking responses. Innovation and Development, n/a-n/a  7.81 498  
Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Applying Epidemiological Thinking to Assess Anti-Trafficking Interventions in the Thai Garment Industry. Zenodo, 1-6  7.81 619  
Ju, Bei, Sandel, Todd L. and Thinyane, Hannah, (2019). WeChat use of mainland Chinese dual migrants in daily border crossing. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(4), 377-394  7.81 429  
Poveda, Sammia C., Gill, Melinda, Junio, Don Rodney, Thinyane, Hannah and Catan, Vanessa, (2019). Should social enterprises complement or supplement public health provision?. Social Enterprise Journal, n/a-n/a  7.81 533  
Thinyane, Hannah and Gallo, Michael, (2021). Pivoting technology: understanding working conditions in the time of COVID-19. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 6(2), 195-215  7.81 329  
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Sentinel Surveillance and Centring Prevention in Anti-Trafficking Policy and Response. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 1-24  7.81 541  
Thinyane, Hannah and Sophie Zinser, (2021). A Step Forward for Palermo’s Trafficking Protocol, This Time Integrating Frontier Technology. Yale Journal of International Affairs, 16(1), 140-151  7.81 491 137
Thinyane, Hannah, (2017). MobiSAM: Reflections from a four year case study using technology to increase public participation in local government in South Africa. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(1), 25-49  7.81 616 351
Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). An Epidemiological Perspective on Labor Trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-22  7.81 711 941