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Blasiak, Robert, Pacheco, Erich, Furuya, Ken, Golden, Christopher D., Jauharee, Ahmed R., Natori, Yoji, Saito, Hiroaki, Sinan, Hussein, Tanaka, Takehiro, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Yiu, Evonne, (2016). Local and regional experiences with assessing and fostering ocean health. Marine Policy, 71(September 2016), 54-59  4.24 932 619
Saraswat, Chitresh and Kumar, Pankaj, (2016). Climate justice in lieu of climate change: a sustainable approach to respond to the climate change injustice and an awakening of the environmental movement. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 1(2), 67-74  4.24 884  
Dunbar, William, (2016). Consider the Water Buffalo: Landscape Management Around Angkor Wat., n/a-n/a  4.24 432  
Ong, Cheng Boon, Mosneaga, Ana and Vanore, Michaella, (2016). If you don’t measure, you don’t know: the invisible plight of elderly IDPs. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre Blog, n/a-n/a  4.24 458  
Mosneaga, Ana, (2016). Back to Basics: Humanitarian Action and Accountability to Affected Populations. E-International Relations, n/a-n/a  4.24 799 62
Chakraborty, Shamik, (2016). "沿岸エコシステムの保全のチャレンジ―瀬戸内海西部からの事例".日本地理学会2016年秋季学術大会シンポジウム,"社会生態系学の複合性の分析と持続可能な資源管理の在り方". E-journal GEO, 11(2), 562-563  4.24 718 172
Ishikawa-Takashita, Eiko, Shibata, Yasuyuki and Ueyanagi, Atsuro, (2016). アジアの水質汚染を食い止める: 国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所と島津製作所の試み. 月刊産業と環境, 45(6), 47-51  4.24 990 182
Emam, Ammar R., Mishra, Binaya K., Kumar, Pankaj, Masago, Yoshifumi and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2016). Impact Assessment of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Flooding Behavior in the Upper Ciliwung River, Jakarta, Indonesia. Water, 8(12), 1-10  4.24 952 1077 0
Boafo, Yaw A., Saito, Osamu, Jasaw, Godfred Seidu, Otsuki, Kei and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Provisioning ecosystem services-sharing as a coping and adaptation strategy among rural communities in Ghana's semi-arid ecosystem. Ecosystem Services, 19 92-102  4.24 657 635
Saraswat, Chitresh, Kumar, Pankaj and Mishra, Binaya, (2016). Assessment of stormwater runoff management practices and governance under climate change and urbanization: An analysis of Bangkok, Hanoi and Tokyo. Environmental Science & Policy, 64 101-117  4.24 1233   0
Blasiak, Robert and Yagi, Nobuyuki, (2016). Shaping an international agreement on marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction: Lessons from high seas fisheries. Marine Policy, 71 210-216  4.24 769   0
Kumar, Pankaj, Kumar, Alok, Singh, Chander K., Saraswat, Chitresh, Avtar, Ram, Ramanathan, A.L. and Herath, Srikantha, (2016). Hydrogeochemical Evolution and Appraisal of Groundwater Quality in Panna District, Central India. Exposure and Health, 8(1), 19-30  4.24 755   0
Kamiyama, Chiho, Hashimoto, Shizuka, Kohsaka, Ryo and Saito, Osamu, (2016). Non-market food provisioning services via homegardens and communal sharing in satoyama socio-ecological production landscapes on Japan’s Noto peninsula. Ecosystem Services, 17 185-196  4.24 798   0
Doll, Christopher and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2016). Governance and networks for health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: Lessons from two Indian cities. Environmental International, 97 146-154  4.24 808 577 0
Blasiak, Robert, Pittman, Jeremy, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Sugino, Hiroaki, (2016). Negotiating the Use of Biodiversity in Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3(224), 1-10  4.24 745 591 0
Murakami, Michio, Sato, Akiko, Matsui, Shiro, Goto, Aya, Kumagai, Atsushi, Tsubokura, Masahara, Orita, Makiko, Takamura, Noboru, Kuroda, Yujiro and Ochi, Sae, (2016). Communicating With Residents About Risks Following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 29(2S), 74S-89S  4.24 564 337 0
Blasiak, Robert, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). 持続可能な海洋管理:最新データと楽観視の理由., n/a-n/a  4.24 657  
Ichikawa, Kaoru and Yiu, Evonne, (2016). Conserving Resilient and Multifunctional Sustainable Landscapes., n/a-n/a  4.24 755  
Dunbar, William, (2016). 水牛から学ぶ: アンコールワット周辺の景観管理., n/a-n/a  4.24 674  
Kamiyama, Chiho, Hashimoto, Shizuka, Kohsaka, Ryo and Saito, Osamu, (2016). Synergies and Trade-offs of Ecosystem Services of Social-ecological Production Landscapes at Municipal Level in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 72(6), 289-297  4.24 593 486
Yiu, Evonne, Nagata, Akira and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 7(3), 170-179  4.24 1195 1076
Okitasari, Mahesti, (2016). The New Urban Agenda, the international circulation of urban policies and challenges of a humane urbanism in the global South. Journal of Architecture and Environment, 15(2), 1-16  4.24 839 297
Kummitha, Rama K.R., (2016). Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool to Remedy Social Exclusion: A Win–Win Scenario?. South Asia Research, 36(1), 61-79  4.24 603   0
Nishi, Maiko, Pelling, Mark, Yamamuro, Masumi, Solecki, William and Kraines, Steven B., (2017). Risk Management Regime and Its Scope for Transition in Tokyo. Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650011-1-1650011-29  4.24 219 53
Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Ichikawa, Kaoru and Elmqvist, Thomas, (2016). Satoyama landscape as social–ecological system: historical changes and future perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19 30-39  4.24 996   0
Imai, Natsuko, (2016). 「アフリカにおけるグローバル人材育成事業」: 国連大学による能力開発へのアプローチ. 留学交流, 58 10-16  4.24 1228  
Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred A., Dunbar, William, Boafo, Yaw A. and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). Securing biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa: Notes from the 2015 Satoyama Initiative Regional Workshop in Accra, Ghana. Bothalia, 46(1), 1-2  4.24 844 206 0
Havas, Jarkko, Saito, Osamu, Hanaki, Keisuke and Tanaka, Toshinori, (2016). Perceived landscape values in the Ogasawara Islands. Ecosystem Services, 18 130-140  4.24 723   0
Stafford-Smith, Mark, Griggs, David, Gaffney, Owen, Reyers, Belinda, Kanie, Norichika, Shrivastava, Paul, Ullah, Farooq, Stigson, Bjorn, Leach, Melissa and O'Connell, Deborah, (2016). Integration: the key to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability Science, (11), 1-9  4.24 915 588 0
Kumar, Pankaj, Herath, Srikantha, Avtar, Ram and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Mapping of groundwater potential zones in Killinochi area, Sri Lanka, using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 1-12  4.24 874 1460
Hashimoto, Shizuka and Nishi, Maiko, (2016). Policy Evolution of Land Consolidation and Rural Development in Postwar Japan. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape, (3), 57-75  4.24 276 48
Mosneaga, Ana and Vanore, Michaella, (2016). An age-sensitive approach to durable solutions. Forced Migration Review, 52 22-26  3.66 1107