Search Results (UNBIS Thesaurus:"BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY", Subtype:"Journal article", Display Type:"Article", isMemberOf:"UNU:1626")

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Suzuki, Wataru and Yasuda, Sachiko, (2015). 生物多様性と持続可能な開発のための教育. エネルギー・資源, 36(1), 43-47  7.49 738  
Gupta, Himangana and Singh, Neeraj Kumar, (2023). Climate Change and Biodiversity Synergies: A Scientometric Analysis in the Context of UNFCCC and CBD. Anthropocene Science, 2 5-18  7.49 16  
Watanabe, Tsunao, (2023). 自然再生推進法施行から20年 (20 years since the Enforcement of the Law for Promotion of Nature Restoration). Ocean Newsletter, 552 2-3  7.49 76 14
Pascual, Unai, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Balvanera, Patricia, Anderson, Christopher B., Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, Christie, Michael, González-Jiménez, David, Martin, Adrian, Raymond, Christopher M., Termansen, Mette, Vatn, Arild, Athayde, Simone, Baptiste, Brigitte, Barton, David N., Jacobs, Sander, Kelemen, Eszter, Kumar, Ritesh, Lazos, Elena, Mwampamba, Tuyeni H., Nakangu, Barbara et al., (2023). Diverse values of nature for sustainability. Nature, n/a-n/a  7.49 347 44
Kelemen, Eszter, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Ágnes Zólyomi, Amaruzaman, Sacha, Porter-Bolland, Luciana, Islar, Mine, Kosmus, Marina, Nakangu, Barbara, Nuesiri, Emmanuel, Robles, Gabriela A, Yiu, Evonne, Emerton, Lucy and Zólyomi, Ágnes, (2023). Signposts on the road toward transformative governance: how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64(October 2023), 1877-3435  7.49 127 34
Raffaela Kozar, Elson Galang, Alvie Alip, Sedhain, Jyoti, Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Saito, Osamu, (2019). Multi-level networks for sustainability solutions: the case of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39 123-134  7.49 343 278
Blasiak, Robert, Durussel, Carole, Pittman, Jeremy, Senit, Carole-Anne, Petersson, Matilda and Yagi, Nobuyuki, (2017). The role of NGOs in negotiating the use of biodiversity in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Policy, 81 1-8  7.49 443 979 0
Melaku, Alebel, Pastor-Ivars, Juan and Sahle, Mesfin, (2023). The state-of-the-art and future research directions on sacred forests and ecosystem services. Environmental Management, 71(June 2023), 1255-1268  7.49 80