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735 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Puri, Lakshmi, Luke, David, Monge-Roffarello, Luca, Varma, Sabrina, Mavrotas, George, Sanoussi, Bilal, Rampa, Francesco, Jachia, Lorenza, Proksch, Marc and Azhari, Noordin, Aid for Trade: Global and Regional Perspectives: Second World Report on Regional Integration, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lakshmi, Puri (Dordrecht, New-York: Springer, 2009).
382 |
Asia-Europe relations at a glance : ASEM outlook report 2012, ed. Iglesias, Sol and Van Langenhove, Luk (Singapore: Asia-Europe Foundation, 2012).
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De Lombaerde, Philippe, Van Langenhove, Luk, Raschdorf, Ann-Cristin, Lapadre, Lelio, Gaulier, Guillaume, Woolcock, Stephen, Costea, Ana-Cristina, Castro, José Villaverde, Wu, Jennifer Pédussal, Best, Edward, Blagescu, Monica, Lloyd, Robert, Tavares, Rodrigo and Schulz, Michael, Assessment and Measurement of Regional Integration, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (London and New York: Routledge, 2006).
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Tavares, Rodrigo, Baert, Francis, Fanta, Emmanuel, Felício, Taniâ and Rasch, Maximilian, Capacity Survey: Regional and Other Intergovernmental Organizations in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, (Bruges: UNU-CRIS, 2008).
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Civil Society and World Regions: How Citizens Are Reshaping Regional Governance in Times of Crisis, ed. Fioramonti, Lorenzo (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013).
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Climate Change in Regional Perspective - European Union and Latin American Initiatives, Challenges, and Solutions, ed. Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea, Sandrin, Paula and Doukas, Yannis E. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2024).
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Shaw, Timothy and Fanta, Emmanuel, Comparative Regionalisms for Development in the 21st Century: Insights from the Global South, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).
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Abass, Ademola, Complete international law : texts, cases and materials, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
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Söderbaum, Fredrik, Pacciardi, Agnese and Spandler, Killian, Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
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Wouters, Jan, Vidal, Maarten, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Van Langenhove, Luk and De Vriendt, Wouter, De Benelux: Tijd voor een Wedergeboorte?, (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2007).
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Van Langenhove, Luk and Skalli-Housseini, Yannis, De erfenis van 1947 - Geboorte en toekomst van de huidige wereldordening, (Brussels: Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2022).
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De Lombaerde, Philippe, Kochi, Shigeru and Briceño-Ruiz, José, Del regionalismo latinoamericano a la integración interregional, (Madrid: Fundación Carolina and SigloXXI, 2008).
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Van Langenhove, Luk, De opmars van de regio's: Hoe de wereld van staten wordt geregionaliseerd, (Bruges: Die Keure, 2014).
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Foresight is 20/20: Scenario Building for Policy Analysis and Strategy Development, ed. Iglesias, Sol and Van Langenhove, Luk (Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation, 2012).
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Gomes, Eduardo and Tarcísio Reis, Globalização e o Comércio Internacional no Direito da Integração, (São Paulo: Edições Aduaneiras and LEX Editora, 2005).
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Farrell, Mary, Fawcett, Louise, Hurrell, Andrew, Foqué, René, Steenbergen, Jacques, Gavin, Brigid, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Söderbaum, Fredrik, Stadtmüller, Elzbieta, Cuyvers, Ludo, De Souza, Eric, Fielding, David, Van Langenhove, Luk, Nesadurai, Helen E.S., Bach, Daniel, Lindholm Schulz, Helena, Schulz, Michael, Pastor, Robert A., Zhang, Tie Jun, Muni, S.D. et al., Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice, ed. Hettne, Björn, Van Langenhove, Luk and Farrell, Mary (London: Pluto Press, 2005).
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Deacon, Bob, Global Social Policy in the Making: The Foundations of the Social Protection Floor, (Bristol: Policy Press, 2013).
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De Lombaerde, Philippe, Estevadeordal, Antoni, Suominen, Kati, Prada, Fernando, Espinoza, Alvaro, Girvan, Norman, Rozemberg, Ricardo, Bozzalla, Carlos, Nguyen, Cuong, Wescott, Clay, Sutherland, William, Tavares, Rodrigo, Savage, Bernard, Al-Khalidi, Thouka, Hansohm, Dirk, Adongo, Jonathan, Costea, Ana-Cristina, De Vriendt, Wouter and Fühne, Birger, Governing Regional Integration for Development, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe, Estevadeordal, Antoni and Suominen, Kati (London: Ashgate, 2008).
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Biscop, Sven, Grand Strategy in 10 Words - A Guide to Great Power Politics in the 21st Century, (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021).
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Fioramonti, Lorenzo, Gross domestic problem: the politics behind the world's most powerful number, (London: Zed Books, 2013).
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Biscop, Sven, Hoe de Grootmachten de Koers van de Wereldpolitiek Bepalen: Grand Strategy in 10 Kernwoorden, (Tielt: Lannoo, 2021).
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Fioramonti, Lorenzo, How Numbers Rule the World: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in Global Politics, (London: Zed Books, 2014).
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Importing EU Norms: Conceptual Frameworks and Empirical Findings, ed. Björkdahl, Annika, Chaban, Natalia, Leslie, John and Masselot, Annick (Dordrecht: Springer International, 2015).
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Van Langenhove, Luk, Innovating the Social Sciences. Towards more useable knowledge for society., ed. Pohoryles, Ronald J. and Giorgi, Liana (Vienna: Passagen, 2007).
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Garay, Luis Jorge, Franco, Andrés, Axline, Andrew, Lévy, Brigitte, Bértola, Luis, Espinosa, María Paz, Jácome, Flavio, Benavides, Oscar, Pineda, Germán, Macías, Luis Fernando, Carrillo, Giovanna, Reyes, Ana María and Porcile, Gabriel, Integración y convergencia económica en Las Américas, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (Bogotá: Antropos, 2002).
275 |
Van Ginkel, Hans, Van Langenhove, Luk, Ondo-Methogo, Emmanuel, Campbell, Bonnie, Goldstein, Andrea, Söderbaum, Fredrik, Slocum, Nikki, Mordonu, Aurora, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Francis, David, Diabré, Zéphirin, Kennes, Walter, Odano, Nobutake, Yanai, Shunji, Hatakeyama, Noboru and Azuma, Hisao, Integrating Africa: Perspectives on Regional Integration and Development, ed. Van Ginkel, Hans, Van Langenhove, Luk and Court, Julius (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2003).
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Intersecting Interregionalism: Regions, Global Governance and the EU, ed. Baert, Francis, Scaramagli, Tiziana and Söderbaum, Fredrik (Dordrecht: Springer, 2014).
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Pauwels, Ann, Smis, Stefaan, Baert, Francis, De Vrieze, Franklin, Laenen, Ria, Delputte, Lode, Vranckx, An, Kruijt, Dirk, De Groof, Mélanie, Hoebeke, Hans, Duquet, Nils, van der Lijn, Jaïr, Herremans, Brigitte and Adam, Jeroen, Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten, ed. Baert, Francis, Pauwels, Ann and Smis, Stefaan (Leuven: ACCO, 2010).
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Iapadre, Lelio, L'internazionalizzazione delle imprese e dei distretti meridionali nel nuovo scenario di competizione globale: il caso della Campanio, (Napels: Guida, 2006).
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Šime, Zane, Mediterranean Lasagne of Migration Governance: What is the Way Forward for the Regions in Governing the Euromestic Sphere? An EU-Centric Perspective, (Chișinău: Generis Publishing, 2021).
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Graham, Kennedy, Models of Regional Governance for the Pacific, ed. Graham, Kennedy (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2008).
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Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb, Woolcock, Stephen, Gavin, Brigid and Bonapace, Tiziana, Multilateralism, Regionalism and Bilateralism in Trade and Investment: 2006 World Report on Regional Integration, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007).
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Cocq, Céline, Mutual Trust in Regional and Interregional Cooperation on Counterterrorism - EU and ASEAN Approaches, (Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2023).
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Cuyvers, Ludo, Neo-Marxism and Post-Keynesian Economics From Kalecki to Sraffa and Joan Robinson, (Abingdon: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022).
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North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development, ed. Genna, Gaspare M. and Mayer-Foulkes, David (Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2013).
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Correa Neto Ribeiro, Clarissa, Overlapping Regional Organizations in South America and Africa - Coexistence through Political Crises, (Switzerland: Springer, 2022).
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Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, Participatory Methods Toolkit: A Practitioner's Manual, ed. Steyaert, Stef, Berloznik, Robby, Beyne, Caroline and Rauws, Gerrit (Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation & Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment, 2003).
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Elliott, Janice, Heesterbeek, Sara, Lukensmeyer, Carolyn J. and Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, Participatory Methods Toolkit. A practitioner's manual. (Second edition), (Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation; The Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment (viWTA), 2006).
341 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Harré, Rom, Secord, Paul, Mühlhäusler, Peter and Gillet, Grant, People and Societies: Rom Harré and Designing the Social Sciences, ed. Van Langenhove, Luk (London: Routledge, 2015).
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Principled Pragmatism in Practice - The EU’s Policy towards Russia after Crimea, ed. Bossuyt, Fabienne (Leiden: Brill, 2021).
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Abass, Ademola, Alao, Abiodun, Aning, Kwesi, Annan, Kofi, Bantekas, Iljas, Chigara, Ben, Okafor, Obiora Chinedu, Durojaye, Ebenezer, Murray, Rachel, Naldi, Gino, O' Sullivan, Marian, Ogundokun, Opeoluwa, Papastavridis, Efthymios and Ssenyonjo, Manisuli, Protecting Human Security in Africa, ed. Abass, Ademola (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
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Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Recent Developments in Water Resources and Transportation Engineering Select Proceedings of TRACE 2022, (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2023).
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Regional Approaches to the Protection of Asylum Seekers: An International Legal Perspective, ed. Abass, Ademola and Ippolito, Francesca (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014).
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Albrow, Martin, Bradford, Colin I., Caballero-Anthony, Mely, Cooper, Andrew F., De Lombaerde, Philippe, Goff, Patricia M., Graham, Kennedy, Hettne, Björn, Hughes, Christopher W., Robert O'Brien, Rosamond, Ben, Rugman, Alan M., Söderbaum, Fredrik, Thakur, Ramesh, Van Langenhove, Luk, Warleigh-Lack, Alex and Woolcock, Stephen, Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation?, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (London: Routledge, 2008).
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Regionalism, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Söderbaum, Fredrik (London: 2013).
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Söderbaum, Fredrik, Taylor, Ian, de Beer, Geoff, Arkwright, David, Tevera, Daniel, Chimhowu, Admos, Ngwenya, Xenia, Hentz, James and Baptista-Lundin, Iraê, Regionalism and Uneven Development in Southern Africa, ed. Söderbaum, Fredrik and Taylor, Ian (Aldershot: Routledge, 2003).
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Regionalism in a Changing World: Comparative Perspectives in the New Global Order, ed. Fioramonti, Lorenzo (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013).
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