Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses (Series Synthesis)
Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses (Series Synthesis) 2021/11-2022/05 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur: UNU-IIGH, 2022.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Shifting-power-in-global-health_synthesis-report.pdf Shifting-power-in-global-health_synthesis-report.pdf application/pdf 634.39KB -
Sub-type Conference proceedings Event series Decolonising Discourses Title of Event Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses (Series Synthesis) Date of Event 2021/11-2022/05 Place of Event Virtual Organizer UNU-IIGH
Wilton Park
Development ReimaginedPublication Date 2022-12-22 Place of Publication Kuala Lumpur Publisher UNU-IIGH Pages 8 Language eng Abstract There have been an increasing number of voices – both individual and institutional – that have called for a reassessment of global health and greater recognition of its colonial heritage. Whilst there is currently no unified definition of what it would mean to decolonise global health, in its broadest sense, it has been described as the ‘imperative of problematising coloniality'. It is within this context that the “Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses” series was co-convened by the United Nations University’s International Institute for Global Health, Development Reimagined, and Wilton Park. Held as a set of three dialogues between November 2021 and May 2022, the series took as its point of departure the many discussions, webinars, and publications presenting the ways coloniality manifests within global health, with the aim of shifting from problematizing coloniality to catalysing decoloniality. While colonialism refers to the physical occupation of a bounded territory, coloniality, in both its historical and present-day manifestations, is understood as a globally persistent and geographically unbounded extractive process that drives inequities. Consequently, while decolonisation is easily recognised by the physical removal or exit of the colonising force, a similarly straightforward definition for decoloniality is not so easily found. Keyword Decolonisation
Global health
Global SouthCopyright Holder UNU-IIGH Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.37941/MR-F/2022/3 -
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