UNU International Institute for Global Health, Sunway University and Sunway Centre for Planetary Health ed. Asia Regional Workshop on Climate and Health Co-benefits 2024/02/05-06 Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2024.
191 |
95 |
Tiffany Nassiri-Ansari and Rhule, Emma ed. Enabling Environments to Advance Gender Equality in Health 2023/06/20-22 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2023.
333 |
107 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Evaluation Report for Early-Career Professionals Workshop Series 2020-10-14 Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2021.
292 |
115 |
Expert Group Meeting on the Accountability of Powerful Private Actors in Global Health 2023/11/8-10 Oxford. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2024.
138 |
290 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Future Healthcare of Malaysia 2020/08/11-12 Shah Alam, Selangor State, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2024.
133 |
73 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Futures of Gender and Global Health 2030 2022/05/19, 2022/05/26 Online. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2024.
121 |
56 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Health Systems Roundtable for Ministry of Health White Paper 2022/07/02 Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2022.
445 |
133 |
Nauber, Jurgen, Paulsch, Axel, Daguitan, F., Figueroa, Viviana E., Goerg, C., Hardison, P., Heubach, K., Lehmann, S., Magata, H., Malmer, P., Masardule, O., Mitambo, S., Pacheco, Diego, Paulsch, C., Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, Pérez, Edgar S., Rubis, Jennifer, Tengoe, M., Trakansuphakon, P. and Wittmer, H. ed. International Workshop on Diverse Knowldege Systems in IPBES 2015/01/18-20 Bonn. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2015.
643 |
Sangeeta, Kaur S., Subramaniam, Gaanesh, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale ed. Qualitative Research Conference 2018/07/10-12 Malacca, Malaysia. Malaysia: Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2018.
511 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Setting the principles to underpin public investment for global ‘commons’ in a post-COVID world 2020/07/15 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020.
218 |
37 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses — Dialogue 3 2022/05/10 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2022.
372 |
114 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses — Dialogue 2 2022/03/01 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2022.
504 |
207 |
UNU-IIGH ed. Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses — Dialogue 1 2021/11/02 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2021.
1037 |
499 |
Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses (Series Synthesis) 2021/11-2022/05 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur: UNU-IIGH, 2022.
850 |
173 |
Chee, Hui L., Tan, David T., Chan, Ngai W. and Zakaria, Nor A. ed. 21st Congress of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Asia Pacific Division (APD), 2018/09/2-5 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: IAHR-APD, 2018.
503 |
1959 |
Chong, Shiau Yun (2020). Summary from the Early-Career Professionals Workshop: Research to Policy. UNU-IIGH.
301 |
207 |
Summary from the Early-Career Professionals Workshop 2: The Art of Storytelling for Influencing Policy 2020/11/18 Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2020.
260 |
149 |
UNU-IIGH ed. The Future of Aid: Crisis and Opportunity –How the COVID-19 moment will catalyse change in the aid sector 2020/04/30 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020.
219 |
46 |
UNU-IIGH ed. The Future of Aid: towards global public investment? 2020/03/17 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020.
225 |
70 |
Tsutsumi, Atsuro ed. United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Mental Well-being, Disability and Disaster Risk Reduction 2014/11/27-28 Tokyo. Tokyo: United Nations University, 2014.
583 |
Marques de Abreu Lopes, Claudia, Allotey, Pascale, Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Ghani, Fatima, Ippolito, Angelo R. and Remme, Michelle ed. What Works in Gender & Health: Setting the Agenda 2019/04/29-30 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2019.
498 |