Smart City Applications Catalogue: Checklist and Suggestions

Yuaca, Flavio (2019). Smart City Applications Catalogue: Checklist and Suggestions. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV).

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author Yuaca, Flavio
    Title Smart City Applications Catalogue: Checklist and Suggestions
    Publication Date 2019-10
    Place of Publication Guimarães
    Publisher United Nations University (UNU-EGOV)
    Pages iii, 39
    Language eng
    Abstract There are a growing number of web sites that provide online catalogues of Smart City applications. This is a report of a review carried out by UNU-EGOV of such catalogues. The review tries to understand what features make the catalogue sites useful and more likely to be used over time, and provides recommendations as to how to improve the functioning of such sites. The report examines the content and functionality of such sites as well as contextual factors that influence use and sustainability. It will be of interest to organisations currently operating catalogue web sites or considering implementing them, both for smart city applications as well as for related content.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University (UNU-EGOV)
    Copyright Year 2019
    Copyright type Creative commons
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    Created: Sat, 14 Dec 2019, 01:24:14 JST by Mario Peixoto on behalf of UNU EGOV