Connected Government Approach for Customer-centric Public Service Delivery: Comparing strategic, governance and technological aspects in Latvia, Denmark and the United Kingdom
Ozols, Gatis and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten (2018). Connected Government Approach for Customer-centric Public Service Delivery: Comparing strategic, governance and technological aspects in Latvia, Denmark and the United Kingdom. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV).
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Sub-type Research report Author Ozols, Gatis
Meyerhoff Nielsen, MortenTitle Connected Government Approach for Customer-centric Public Service Delivery: Comparing strategic, governance and technological aspects in Latvia, Denmark and the United Kingdom Publication Date 2018-12-21 Place of Publication Guimarães Publisher United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) Pages 57 Language eng Abstract During the last decade, Electronic Government (EGOV) has been seen as instrumental for a more efficient public sector and more effective public service delivery. Recent trends in government and public service delivery transformation strategies emphasise a move from organisational silos to joined-up, whole-of-government and citizen-centric service delivery and service improvement. The scope of impact implies a move from intra-government focused improvements to the relationships between government, business and citizens. Technology, in this context, acts as a catalyst and enabler for such changes. The transformational maturity of public sector organisations is largely dependent on the strategic focus, horizontal and vertical integration between government departments and across levels of government (i.e. national, regional and local). Other change agents include different partnership models with external agents and improved governance and inter-governmental cooperation. This, in turn, should be backed up by proper technological enablers that provide consistent user experience and process redesign across sectors and is supported by enabling skills and organisational culture, such as customer-centricity, partnership building, collaborative and cross-sectoral customer value creation. Influenced by different organisational, political and socio-economic factors, strategies in Latvia, Denmark and the United Kingdom (UK) have taken different approaches to digitally-enabled and customer-centric service delivery. This report analyses intergovernmental governance and partnership models of the three countries since 2013. The report identifies existing strategies, practices and technologies in the delivery of core government services, and in progression from silos-based, disjointed government towards a customer-centric, whole-of-government approach in public sector service production and delivery. The analysis finds that the whole-of-government approach for public service delivery has been strategically recognised in all three analysed countries, but that countries have different structural approaches when addressing technology-enabled public service delivery and whole-of-government concepts. Research shows that in order to ensure holistic and consistent digital transformation as illustrated by the example of Denmark and the UK, it is essential to compile sufficient governance maturity and organisational capacity, combining strategic and operational competencies. It is also critical to grant a broad mandate to coordinate, guide, set standards and supervise across government sectors and government levels. Government-wide design standards, process redesign practices, centralised user insight analysis, and cross-sectoral process ownership are other common elements necessary to whole-of-government approaches. It is also evident that when supply-side digitalisation activities and enablers are supported by opt-out rather than opt-in strategies on the user’s side, more dynamic shifts in channel choice are evident, and a higher eServices user base is reached, as it is demonstrated in the Latvian and Danish examples. The analysis concludes that current methods and practices for performance monitoring and impact evaluation are generally designed for agency- and service-based performance assessment. This means that government cross-agency methods and practices must be elaborated to support further and facilitate a whole-of-government approach. All countries would benefit from closer cooperation between agencies and across administrative levels, but also with private sector stakeholders. This applies to strategy development as well as operational joined-up service delivery partnerships. UNBIS Thesaurus LATVIA
E-GOVERNMENTKeyword whole-of-government
public service deliveryCopyright Holder United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.21388.36483 -
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