Unemployment and Technical Innovation: a study of long waves and economic development
Unemployment and Technical Innovation: a study of long waves and economic development, ed. Freeman, Chris, Clark, J. and Soete, Luc (London, UK: Frances Pinter, 1982).
Document type:
Editor Freeman, Chris
Clark, J.
Soete, LucTitle Unemployment and Technical Innovation: a study of long waves and economic development Publication Date 1982 Place of Publication London, UK Publisher Frances Pinter Pages 214 Abstract “An important book on technological change, its relation to business-cycle theory, and its implications for current economic policy. The theories of Schumpeter and Mensch are critically examined, and an alternative approach to the clustering of innovations and the growth of industries is advanced.... This book will interest economic historians, busines-cycle analysts, and policy analysts concerned with government's supportive role in structural change.... Useful glossary, reference list, and comprehensive index. Essential for academic libraries and desirable for public libraries. No other book has comparable coverage.” -
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