Adaptive Collaborative Approaches in Natural Resource Governance: Rethinking Participation, Learning and Innovation, ed. Hall, Andy, Sulaiman, Rasheed and Ojha, Hemant (London, UK: Routledge, 2012).
1110 |
A Economia da Inovação Industrial, ed. Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (Campinas, Brazil: Editoria Unicamp, 2008).
1183 |
Aggregate and Regional Productivity Growth in Chinese Industry, ed. Wang, Lili (Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009).
861 |
Automobility in Transition? A Socio-Technical Analysis of Sustainable Transport, ed. Geels, F., Kemp, René, Dudley, G. and Lyons, Glenn (London: Routledge, 2011).
1063 |
Balancing Renewable Electricity. Energy Storage, Demand Side Management and Network Extension from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, ed. Ziesemer, Thomas (Berlin: Europäische Akademie, 2012).
1241 |
Capacity building for agricultural research for development: Lessons from practice in Papua New Guinea, ed. Hall, Andy and Mbabu, Adiel N. (Maastricht: UNU-MERIT, 2012).
907 |
Causes, Costs and Responses, ed. Naudé, Wim, Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and McGillivray, Mark (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
704 |
China: Building an Innovative Economy, ed. Varum, Celeste, Huang, Can and Gouveia, Borges (UK: Chandos Publishing, 2007).
711 |
Collaboration, Ownership and the Digital Economy, ed. Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005).
859 |
Communication and Cooperation in the Virtual Workplace, ed. Sadowski-Rasters, Gaby, Duysters, Geert and Sadowski, Bert (UK: Edward Elgar, 2006).
1002 |
Consuming symbolic Goods: Identity and commitment, values and economics, ed. Dolfsma, Wilfred (London: Routledge, 2007).
840 |
Crédito y desigualdad: Efecto del acceso a crédito en la brecha de ingreso de los hogares, ed. Mideros Mora, Andres (Quito: FLACSO-Ecuador. Abya Yala, 2010).
570 |
Economic and Social Development. Trends, Problems and Policies, ed. Szirmai, Adam (London, New York: Prentice Hall, 1997).
948 |
El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos, ed. Dutrenit, Gabriela, Capdeville, Mario, Corona, Juan Manuel, Puchet, Martin, Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando and Vera Cruz, Alexandre (Mexico and Uruguay: UAM/Textual, 2009).
561 |
Emerging Free and Open Source Software practices, ed. Sowe, Sulayman K., Stamelos, Ioannis and Samoladas, Ioannis (USA: IGI Publishing, 2007).
591 |
Enhancing Agricultural Innovation: How to Go Beyond the Strengthening of Research Systems, ed. Hall, Andy, Janssen, Willem, Pehu, Eija and Rajalahti, Riikka (Washington D.C.: World Bank, 2006).
921 |
398 |
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, ed. Naudé, Wim (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
915 |
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Development, ed. Szirmai, Adam, Naudé, Wim and Goedhuys, Micheline (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
908 |
European Science And Technology Policy - Towards Integration or Fragmentation?, ed. Delanghe, Henri, Muldur, Ugur and Soete, Luc (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009).
510 |
Evidence-based Development Economics: Essays in Honour of Sanjaya Lall, ed. Pietrobelli, Carlo and Rasiah, Rajah (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2012).
542 |
Explaining Economic Growth. Essays in Honour of Angus Maddison, ed. Szirmai, Adam, Ark, B. van and Pilat, D. (the Netherlands: Elsevier/North Holland, 1993).
1123 |
Fighting the War on File Sharing, ed. Schmidt, Aernout, Dolfsma, Wilfred and Keuvelaar, Wim (Asser Press, 2007).
760 |
Handbook of innovation indicators and measurement, ed. Gault, Fred (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013).
847 |
Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, ed. Hall, Bronwyn and Rosenberg, N. (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010).
605 |
Industrial Innovation and Environmental Regulation: Developing Workable Solutions, ed. Parto, Saeed (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2006).
453 |
Inequality Observed. A Study of Attitudes towards Income Inequality, ed. Szirmai, Adam (Aldershot: Avebury Press, 1988).
1006 |
Information and Communication Technologies and SMEs in the Context of Globalization: Evidence from the Developing World, ed. Lal, Kaushalesh (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007).
495 |
Information Technology and Employment: an Assessment, ed. Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (Brussels, Belgium: IBM, 1985).
270 |
Innovation And Economic Development, ed. Mytelka, Lynn K. (Edward Elgar, 2007).
602 |
Innovation and Industrialization in Asia, ed. Rasiah, Rajah, Lin, Yeo and Sadoi, Yuri (London: Routledge, 2012).
573 |
Innovation and Learning Experiences in Rapidly Developing East Asia, ed. Rasiah, Rajah, Kanagasundram , Thiruchelvam and Lee , Keun (London: Routledge, 2012).
540 |
Innovation in Technology Alliance Networks, ed. Lemmens, Charmianne (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004).
410 |
Innovation in Technology Alliance Networks, ed. Lemmens, Charmianne (Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar publishing, 2004).
404 |
Innovation Policies and International Trade Rules: The Textiles and Clothing Industry in Developing Countries, ed. Lal, Kaushalesh and Mohnen, Pierre (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009).
729 |
Innovation Policy In Europe: Measurement and Strategy, ed. Nauwelaers, Claire and Wintjes, René (Edward Elgar, 2008).
767 |
Innovationsforschung heute, ed. Janz, Norbert and Licht, Georg (Baden-Baden (Germany): Nomos, 2002).
409 |
Innovation Strategies for a Global Economy, ed. Gault, Fred (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2010).
785 |
Internationalisation of European ICT Activities - Dynamics of Information and Communications Technology, ed. Meijers, Huub, Dachs, Bernhard and Welfens, Paul J. J. (Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2008).
713 |
Knowledge Economies: Innovation, Organization and Location, ed. Dolfsma, Wilfred (978-0-415-41665-8: Routledge, 2008).
720 |
Learning, Capacity Building and Innovation for Development, ed. Dutrenit, Gabriela, Lee , Keun, Nelson, Richard, Soete, Luc and Vera Cruz, Alexandre (Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).
442 |
Learning To Compete: Institutions, Technology and Enterprise in Africa, ed. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji (USA: Ashgate Publishers, 2006).
454 |
Lightning Wires: Telegraphs and China's Technological Modernization 1860-1890, ed. Baark, Erik (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997).
728 |
Making Choices about Hydrogen: Transport Issues for Developing Countries, ed. Mytelka, Lynn K. and Boyle, Grant (Tokyo and Ottawa: UNU Press and IDRC, 2008).
510 |
Malaysian Economy: Unfolding Growth and Social Change, ed. Rasiah, Rajah (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 2011).
939 |
Measuring Knowledge Management in the Business Sector: First Steps, ed. Foray, Dominique and Gault, Fred (Paris: OECD, 2003).
876 |
Mental Capital, ed. Weehuizen, Rifka (COS, 2006).
461 |
Multinational Enterprises And The Global Economy, Second Edition, ed. Dunning, John and Lundan, Sarianna M. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008).
621 |
Multinationals, environment and global competition, ed. Lundan, Sarianna M. (Oxford: JAI (Elsevier), 2004).
516 |
Multinationals, Technology and Localization in Automotive Firms in Asia, ed. Rasiah, Rajah, Sadoi, Yuri and Busser, Rogier (London: Routledge, 2008).
556 |
National Innovation, Indicators and Policy, ed. Earl, Louise and Gault, Fred (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006).
778 |