Deep Roots of Community Resilience
Blasiak, Robert, Okayasu, Sana and Matsumoto, Ikuko, (2012). Deep Roots of Community Resilience., n/a-n/a
Document type:
Sub-type Website article Author Blasiak, Robert
Okayasu, Sana
Matsumoto, IkukoTitle Deep Roots of Community Resilience Appearing in Publication Date 2012-08-13 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract There have been some difficulties in describing, quantifying and communicating the concept of resilience. Technical definitions exist, and there is a range of specific descriptions of ecosystem resilience and even community resilience. It has even been claimed that the antonym of resilience is “vulnerability”, which may be easier to identify and measure. In this case, any factors that reduce vulnerability may automatically also be considered as increasing resilience. But just as courage may only become apparent in dangerous situations, perhaps a system’s resilience cannot be observed until it faces some external stress. The scientific community is predicting that climate change will bring a whole host of increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather events that will soon be testing the resilience or uncovering the vulnerabilities of communities around the world. UNBIS Thesaurus ECOSYSTEMS
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