Towards the Development of an Adapted Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Framework for the West Sudanian Savanna Zone
Kloos, Julia, Asare-Kyei, Daniel, Pardoe, Joanna and Renaud, Fabrice G. (2015). Towards the Development of an Adapted Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Framework for the West Sudanian Savanna Zone. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Kloos, Julia
Asare-Kyei, Daniel
Pardoe, Joanna
Renaud, Fabrice G.Title Towards the Development of an Adapted Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Framework for the West Sudanian Savanna Zone Series Title UNU-EHS Working Paper Volume/Issue No. 19 Publication Date 2015-07 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU-EHS Pages 37 Language eng Abstract West Africa is a region considered highly vulnerable to climate change and associated with natural hazards due to interactions of climate change and non-climatic stressors exacerbating the vulnerability of the region, particularly its agricultural system (IPCC, 2014b). Taking the Western Sudanian Savanna as our geographic target area, this paper seeks to develop an integrated risk assessment framework that incorporates resilience as well as multiple hazards concepts, and is applicable to the specific conditions of the target area. To provide the scientific basis for the framework, the paper will first define the following key terms of risk assessments in a climate change adaptation context: risk, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, resilience, coping and adaptation. Next, it will discuss the ways in which they are conceptualized and employed in risk, resilience and vulnerability frameworks. When reviewing the literature on existing indicator-based risk assessment for West African Sudanian Savanna zones, it becomes apparent that there is a lack of a systematic and comprehensive risk assessment capturing multiple natural hazards. The paper suggests an approach for linking resilience and vulnerability in a common framework for risk assessment. It accounts for societal response mechanism through coping, adaptation, disaster risk management and development activities which may foster transformation or persistence of the social ecological systems. Building on the progress made in multi-hazard assessments, the framework is suitable for analyzing multiple-hazard risks and existing interactions at hazard and vulnerability levels. While the framework is well grounded in theories and existing literature, and advances the knowledge by including and linking additional elements, it still remains to be tested empirically. UNBIS Thesaurus WEST AFRICA
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