How the bottled water industry is masking the global water crisis
Bouhlel, Zeineb and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2023). How the bottled water industry is masking the global water crisis. The Conversation, n/a-n/a
Document type:
Sub-type Magazine article Author Bouhlel, Zeineb
Smakhtin, VladimirTitle How the bottled water industry is masking the global water crisis Appearing in The Conversation Publication Date 2023-03-22 Place of Publication Canada Publisher The Conversation Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract Bottled water is one of the world’s most popular beverages, and its industry is making the most of it. Since the millennium, the world has advanced significantly towards the goal of safe water for all. In 2020, 74 per cent of humanity had access to safe water. This is 10 per cent more than two decades ago. But that still leaves two billion people without access to safe drinking water. Keyword Water
Bottled water
Global South
Municipal water
World Water Day
Safe drinking water
UN sustainable development goals (SDG)Copyright Holder Authors Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons -
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