Eriyagama, Nishadi, Thilakarathne, Madusanka, Tharuka, Praveen, Munaweera, Tharindu, Muthuwatta, Lal, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Premachandra, Wickrama W., Pindeniya, Dhammi, Wijayarathne, N.S. and Udamulla, Lakshika, (2017). Actual and perceived causes of flood risk: climate versus anthropogenic effects in a wet zone catchment in Sri Lanka. Water International, 42(7), 874-892
2560 |
Perera, Duminda, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Williams, Spencer, North, Taylor and Curry, Allen (2021). Ageing Water Storage Infrastructure: An Emerging Global Risk. UNU-INWEH Report Series. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH).
4414 |
Perera, Duminda, Devlin, Michael and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2019). Arsenic in groundwater: Elements of a National Strategy for Reduction and Eradication. UNU-INWEH.
498 |
Oluwasanya, Grace, Smakhtin, Vladimir and Tshimanga, Raphael (2022). Climate and Water Variabilities as Drivers of Conflicts and Migration in the Congo River Basin. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.
356 |
Qadir, Manzoor and Smakhtin, Vladimir, "Five unusual technologies for harvesting water in dry areas" in The Conversation on Water (Baltimore, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023), 66-70.
45 |
Qadir, Manzoor and Smakhtin, Vladimir, "Five unusual technologies for harvesting water in dry areas" in The Conversation on Water ed. Gerlak, Andrea (Baltimore, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023), 66-70.
244 |
Perera, Duminda, Seidou, Ousmane, Agnihotri, Jetal, Ramsy, Mohamed, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Coulibaly, Paulin and Mehmood, Hamid (2019). Flood Early Warning Systems: A Review of Benefits, Challenges and Prospects. UNU-INWEH Report Series. UNU.
1035 |
Bridget Scanlon and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2016). Focus on water storage for managing climate extremes and change. Environmental Research Letters, 11(12), n/a-n/a
237 |
Qadir, Manzoor, Jiménez, Gabriela, Farnum, Rebecca L., Dodson, Leslie L. and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2018). Fog Water Collection: Challenges beyond Technology. Water, 10(4), n/a-n/a
801 |
97 |
Baggio, Guillaume, Qadir, Manzoor and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2021). Freshwater availability status across countries for human and ecosystem needs. Science of The Total Environment, 792 n/a-n/a
472 |
Bouhlel, Zeineb, Köpke, Jimmy, Mina, Mariam and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2023). Global Bottled Water Industry: A Review of Impacts and Trends. United Nations, University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.
3672 |
4545 |
Guppy, Lisa, Uyttendaele, Paula, Villholth, Karen G. and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2018). Groundwater and Sustainable Development Goals: Analysis of Interlinkages. UNU-INWEH Report Series. UNU-INWEH.
534 |
Bouhlel, Zeineb and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2023). How the bottled water industry is masking the global water crisis. The Conversation, n/a-n/a
29 |
Perera, Duminda, Williams, Spencer and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2022). Present and Future Losses of Storage in Large Reservoirs Due to Sedimentation: A Country-Wise Global Assessment. Sustainability, n/a-n/a
159 |
Karimov, Akmal, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Karimov, Aziz, Khodjiev, Khalim, Yakubov, Sadyk, Platonov, Alexander and Avliyakulov, Mirzaolim, (2017). Reducing the energy intensity of lift irrigation schemes of Northern Tajikistan – potential options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(2), 2967-2975
384 |
199 |
Eriyagama, Nishadi, Smakhtin, Vladimir and Udamulla, Lakshika, (2022). Sustainable Surface Water Storage Development: Measuring Economic Benefits and Ecological and Social Impacts of Reservoir System Configurations. Water, 14(3), 1-27
385 |
Eriyagama, Nishadi, Smakhtin, Vladimir and Udamulla, Lakshika, (2021). Sustainable Surface Water Storage Development Pathways and Acceptable Limits for River Basins. Water, 13(5), 645-645
281 |
Jones, Edward, Qadir, Manzoor, van Vliet, Michelle T.H., Smakhtin, Vladimir and Kang, Seong-mu, (2018). The state of desalination and brine production: A global outlook. Science of the Total Environment, 657 1343-1356
3789 |
Oluwasanya, Grace, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Mihaha, Emmanuel-Tsadok and Tshimanga, M. Raphaël (2022). Transhumance Pastoralism and Mbororo Pastoralists in climate-Water-Migration-Conflict Context of the Congo River Basin. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.
276 |
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Pouramin, Panthea, Brahmbhatt, Rupal, Fioret, Cameron, Glickman, Talia, Newbold, Bruce K. and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2020). Water and Migration: A Global Overview. UNU-INWEH Report Series. UNU-INWEH.
287 |
Smakhtin, Vladimir, Perera, Duminda, Qadir, Manzoor, Aureli Alice and Tales, Carvalho-Resende, "Water availability, infrastructure and ecosystems" in The United Nations world water development report 2020: water and climate change (Paris: UNESCO, 2020), n/a-n/a.
191 |
Smakhtin, Vladimir and Perera, Duminda, "Water-related extremes and risk management" in The United Nations world water development report 2020: water and climate change (Paris: UNESCO, 2020), n/a-n/a.
235 |
Oluwasanya, Grace, Perera, Duminda, Qadir, Manzoor and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2022). Water Security in Africa: A Preliminary Assessment. UNU-INWEH.
1326 |