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Manahan, Kyle, Strzepek, Kenneth, Strzepek, Niko, Schlosser, C. Adam, Schweikert, Amy E. and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2011). Adaptation Advantage to Climate Change Impacts on Road Infra-structure in Africa through 2100. UNU-WIDER. 629  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth, Tarp, Finn, Thurlow, James, Fant, Charles and Len Wright (2010). Adapting to Climate Change: An Integrated Biophysical and Economic Assessment for Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 318 88
Robinson, Sherman, Strzepek, Kenneth and Willenbockel, Dirk (2011). A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 723  
Gebretsadik, Yohannes, Strzepek, Kenneth and Schlosser, C. Adam (2014). A Hybrid Approach to Incorporating Climate Change and Variability into Climate Scenario for Impact Assessments. UNU-WIDER. 692  
Alton, Theresa, Arndt, Channing, Gebretsadik, Yohannes, Hartley, Faaiqa, Makrelov, Konstantin, Strzepek, Kenneth, Thurlow, James, Schlosser, C. Adam, Gabriel, Sherwin, Cullis, James, Cartwright, Anton, Chang, Alice, de Jager, Gerald and Robertson, Gordon (2015). An Uncertainty Approach to Modelling Climate Change Risk in South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 693  
Arndt, Channing, Farmer, William, Strzepek, Kenneth and Thurlow, James (2011). Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security in Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 568  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth and Schlosser, C. Adam (2014). Climate Change and Economic Growth Prospects for Malawi : an Uncertainty Approach. UNU-WIDER. 514  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth, Thurlow, James and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2011). Climate Change and Infrastructure Investment in Developing Countries : the Case of Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 552  
Fant, Charles, Gebretsadik, Yohannes and Strzepek, Kenneth (2013). Impact of Climate Change on Crops, Irrigation and Hydropower in the Zambezi River Basin. UNU-WIDER. 407  
Fant, Charles, Gebretsadik, Yohannes and Strzepek, Kenneth (2012). Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation, Crops and Hydropower in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 536  
Arndt, Channing, Fant, Charles, Robinson, Sherman and Strzepek, Kenneth (2012). Informed Selection of Future Climates. UNU-WIDER. 607  
Strzepek, Kenneth, Strzepek, Niko, Kwiatkowski, Kyle P., Schweikert, Amy E. and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2012). Infrastructure and Climate Change : Impacts and Adaptations for South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 474  
Strzepek, Kenneth, Strzepek, Niko, Schweikert, Amy E. and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2013). Infrastructure and Climate Change : Impacts and Adaptations for the Zambezi River Valley. UNU-WIDER. 422  
Fant, Charles, Gebretsadik, Yohannes and Strzepek, Kenneth (2014). Optimized Reservoir Operation Model of Regional Wind and Hydro Power Integration : Case Study: Zambezi Basin and South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 468  
Block, Paul and Strzepek, Kenneth (2011). Power Ahead : Meeting Ethiopia’s Energy Needs Under a Changing Climate. UNU-WIDER. 391  
Strzepek, Kenneth and Schlosser, C. Adam (2013). Regional Climate Change of the Greater Zambezi River Basin : A Hybrid Assessment. UNU-WIDER. 435  
Strzepek, Kenneth, Strzepek, Niko, Schweikert, Amy E. and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2012). Road Infrastructure and Climate Change in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 508