Futamura, Madoka (2013). Death Penalty Policy in Countries in Transition. United Nations University.
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Futamura, Madoka, (2013). International justice and local justice in international criminal justice. Heiwa Kenkyu [Peace Studies], 41
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Futamura, Madoka, (2013). Michael N. Barnett: the international humanitarian order. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 14
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Futamura, Madoka, "Societal impact of the Tokyo trial" in 再論 東京裁判: 何を裁き、何を裁かなかったのか ed. Tanaka, Toshiyuki, McCormack, Tim and Simpson, Gerry (2013), 74-102.
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Futamura, Madoka, "The crime of aggression and Japan" in The legality and legitimacy of the use of force in Northeast Asia ed. Howe, Brendan and Kondoch, Boris (Vienna: Brill Publishers, 2013), 213-232.
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Futamura, Madoka, "The politics of the death penalty and contexts of transition: democratization, peacebuilding and transitional justice" in The Politics of the Death Penalty in Countries in Transition ed. Futamura, Madoka and Bernaz, Nadia (London: Routledge, 2013), n/a-n/a.
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Futamura, Madoka and Bernaz, Nadia, The politics of the death penalty in countries in transition, (N/A: Routledge, 2013).
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Futamura, Madoka and Gow, James, "The strategic purpose of the ICTY and international peace and security" in Prosecuting war crimes: lessons and legacies of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ed. Gow, James, Kerr, Rachel and Pajic, Zoran (2014), 15-28.
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Futamura, Madoka, Newman, Edward and Tadjbak, Shahrbanou (2010). Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding. United Nations University.
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Futamura, Madoka, Newman, Edward and Tadjbak, Shahrbanou (2010). UNU Research Brief Number 2, 2010. Research Briefs. United Nations University.
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