Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding
Futamura, Madoka, Newman, Edward and Tadjbak, Shahrbanou (2010). Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding. United Nations University.
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Author Futamura, Madoka
Newman, Edward
Tadjbak, ShahrbanouTitle Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding Volume/Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2010-03-27 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 7 Language eng Abstract In recent decades, international peacebuilding and reconstruction after civil wars have managed to promote stability and contain conflict in many regions around the world, ending violence and enabling communities to rebuild their lives and societies. However, the peacebuilding record indicates that there are problems related to the effectiveness and legitimacy of peacebuilding, especially related to the promotion of liberal democracy, market reform and state institutions.This brief considers these limitations and argues that a new human security-based approach may offer insights for a more sustainable form of peacebuilding. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2010 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 18165796 ISBN 9789280835175 -
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