Search Results (Keywords:"Economic development", Author ID:"Tarp, Finn")

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Resnick, Danielle, Tarp, Finn and Thurlow, James (2012). The Political Economy of Green Growth : Illustrations from Southern Africa. UNU-WIDER.  6.68 504  
Addison, Tony, Singhal, Saurabh and Tarp, Finn (2013). Aid to Africa : the Changing Context. UNU-WIDER.  6.46 638  
Tarp, Finn and Jensen, Henning Tarp (2001). On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy : Insights from CGE Modelling of the Mozambican Economy. UNU-WIDER.  6.44 414  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2009). Aid and Growth : Have We Come Full Circle?. UNU-WIDER.  6.39 641  
Tarp, Finn and Mekasha, Tseday Jemaneh (2011). Aid and Growth : What Meta-Analysis Reveals. UNU-WIDER.  6.33 649  
Cruz, Antonio, Newman, Carol, Rand, John and Tarp, Finn (2014). Learning by Exporting : The Case of Mozambican Manufacturing. UNU-WIDER.  6.29 477  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2011). Aid Effectiveness : Opening the Black Box. UNU-WIDER.  6.29 680  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2010). Aid, Growth, and Development : Have We Come Full Circle?. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 719  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2015). Mozambique : Off-track or Temporarily Sidelined?. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 550  
Arndt, Channing, Salvucci, Vincenzo, Tarp, Finn, Østerdal, Lars Peter and Hussain, M. Azhar (2013). Advancing Small Area Estimation. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 650  
McKay, Andrew, Pirttilä, Jukka and Tarp, Finn (2015). Ghana : Poverty Reduction Over Thirty Years. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 476  
Arndt, Channing, Demery, Lionel, McKay, Andrew and Tarp, Finn (2015). Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 512  
Abbott, Philip, Tarp, Finn and Wu, Ce (2015). Structural transformation, biased technological change, and employment in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 528  
Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2013). Jobs and Welfare in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 541  
Lof, Matthijs, Tarp, Finn and Mekasha, Tseday Jemaneh (2013). Aid and Income : Another Time-Series Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 651  
Addison, Tony and Tarp, Finn (2015). Lessons for Japanese foreign aid from research on aid’s impact. UNU-WIDER.  6.28 456  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2014). What is the Aggregate Economic Rate of Return to Foreign Aid?. UNU-WIDER.  6.20 476  
Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer, Tarp, Finn and Østerdal, Lars Peter (2013). Ordinal Multidimensional Inequality. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 407  
McKay, Andrew and Tarp, Finn (2014). Distributional Impacts of the 2008 Global Food Price Spike in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 433  
He, Jingjing, Huang, Yongfu and Tarp, Finn (2012). Is the Clean Development Mechanism Promoting Sustainable Development?. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 574  
Tarp, Finn and O’Toole, Conor M. (2012). Corruption and the Efficiency of Capital Investment in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 562  
Howard, Emma, Newman, Carol, Rand, John and Tarp, Finn (2014). Productivity-Enhancing Manufacturing Clusters : Evidence from Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 430  
Abbott, Philip and Tarp, Finn (2011). Globalization Crises, Trade, and Development in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 513  
Heltberg, Rasmus and Tarp, Finn (2001). Agricultural Supply Response and Poverty in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  6.15 643  
Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Tarp, Finn (2015). Aid, social policy, and development. UNU-WIDER.  6.13 754  
Juselius, Katarina, Reshid, Abdulaziz and Tarp, Finn (2013). The Real Exchange Rate, Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanisms in Tanzania and Ghana. UNU-WIDER.  6.11 476  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2013). Assessing Foreign Aid’s Long-Run Contribution to Growth in Development. UNU-WIDER.  6.11 460