Search Results (Copyright Date:" [2001\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2001\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ", Keywords:"Economic development")

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Bigsten, Arne (2001). Relevance of the Nordic Model for African Development. UNU-WIDER.  2.54 330  
Read, Robert (2001). Growth, Economic Development and Structural Transition in Small Vulnerable States. UNU-WIDER.  2.24 385  
Cassimon, Danny and Renard, Robrecht (2001). On the Pitfalls of Measuring Aid. UNU-WIDER.  2.24 352  
Tarp, Finn and Jensen, Henning Tarp (2001). On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy : Insights from CGE Modelling of the Mozambican Economy. UNU-WIDER.  2.20 414  
Bulir, Ales and Hamann, A. Javier (2001). How Volatile and Unpredictable are Aid Flows, and What are the Policy Implications?. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 407  
San Martin, Orlando (2001). Reaching the Poor : Fine Tuning Poverty Targeting Using a ‘Poverty Map’— the Case of Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 297  
Abrego, Lisandro and Ross, Doris C. (2001). Debt Relief Under the HIPC Initiative : Context and Outlook for Debt Sustainability and Resource Flows. UNU-WIDER.  1.95 481  
Baulch, Bob, Cherel-Robson, Milasoa and McCulloch, Neil (2001). Poverty, Inequality and Growth in Zambia During the 1990s. UNU-WIDER.  1.95 393  
Chowdhury, Abdur (2001). The Impact of Financial Reform on Private Savings in Bangladesh. UNU-WIDER.  1.95 316  
Arora, Ashish and Athreye, Suma (2001). The Software Industry and India's Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  1.95 615  
Hermes, Niels and Dijkstra, Geske (2001). The Uncertainty of Debt Service Payments and Economic Growth of HIPCs : Is there a Case for Debt Relief?. UNU-WIDER.  1.95 306  
Tsikata, Yvonne M. (2001). Owning Economic Reforms : A Comparative Study of Ghana and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 331  
Wong, Poh-Kam (2001). ICT Production and Diffusion in Asia : Digital Dividends or Digital Divide?. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 390  
Danielson, Anders (2001). Can HIPC Reduce Poverty in Tanzania?. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 510  
Brautigam, Deborah and Woolcock, Michael (2001). Small States in a Global Economy : the Role of Institutions in Managing Vulnerability and Opportunity in Small Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 341  
Kronlid, Karin (2001). Household Welfare and Education in Urban Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 341  
Komives, Kristin, Whittington, Dale and Wu, Xun (2001). Access to Utilities by the Poor : A Global Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 597  
Ferrarini, Benno and Nissanke, Machiko (2001). Debt Dynamics and Contingency Financing : Theoretical Reappraisal of the HIPC Initiative. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 606  
Kolko, Jed (2001). Silicon Mountains, Silicon Molehills : Geographic Concentration and Convergence of Internet Industries in the US. UNU-WIDER.  1.94 368  
Ahsan, Syed M. (2001). Institutional Framework and Poverty : A Transition Economy Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  1.79 314  
Casarin, Ariel A. and Delfino, Jose A. (2001). The Reform of the Utilities Sector in Argentina. UNU-WIDER.  1.79 350  
Zuckerman, Elaine (2001). Why Engendering PRSPs Reduce Poverty, and the Case of Rwanda. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 288  
Kiiski, Sampsa and Pohjola, Matti (2001). Cross-country Diffusion of the Internet. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 556  
Gundlach, Erich, Navarro de Pablo, Jose and Weisert, Natascha (2001). Education Is Good for the Poor : a Note on Dollar and Kraay (2001). UNU-WIDER.  1.70 383  
de Soysa, Indra (2001). Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, Grievance and Governance. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 328  
Agosin, Manuel R. (2001). Global Integration and Growth in Honduras and Nicaragua. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 381  
Freeman, Nick J. (2001). The Challenges Posed by Globalization for Economic Liberalization in Two Asian Transitional Countries : Laos and Vietnam. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 300  
Simons, Kenneth L. (2001). Information Technology and the Dynamics of Firm and Industrial Structure : The British IT Consulting Industry as a Contemporary Specimen. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 305  
Assadzadeh, Ahmad and Paul, Satya (2001). Poverty, Growth and Redistribution : A Case Study of Iran. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 312  
Were, Maureen (2001). The Impact of External Debt on Economic Growth in Kenya : An Empirical Assessment. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 328  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Kiiski, Sampsa (2001). Trends in Income Distribution in the Post-World War II Period : Evidence and Interpretation. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 349  
Reinikka, Ritva and Svensson, Jakob (2001). Explaining Leakage of Public Funds. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 381  
Odedokun, Matthew (2001). Public Finance and Economic Growth : Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 352  
Manda, Damiano Kulundu (2001). Incentive Structure and Efficiency in the Kenyan Civil Service. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 329  
Azam, Jean-Paul and Hoeffler, Anke (2001). Violence Against Civilians in Civil Wars : Looting or Terror?. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 373  
Addison, Tony and Rahman, Aminur (2001). Why is so Little Spent on Educating the Poor?. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 416  
Heltberg, Rasmus and Tarp, Finn (2001). Agricultural Supply Response and Poverty in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 643  
Leite, Phillippe and Ferreira, Francisco H.G. (2001). The Effects of Expanding Education on the Distribution of Income in Ceará : A Microsimulation. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 297  
Mayer, Jörg (2001). Globalization, Technology Transfer, and Skill Accumulation in Low-Income Countries. UNU-WIDER.  1.70 371  
McGillivray, Mark and Morrissey, Oliver (2001). Fiscal Effects of Aid. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 367  
European Network on Development, (2001). Debt Reduction for Poverty Eradication in the Least Developed Countries : Analysis and Recommendations on LDC Debt. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 464  
Easterly, William (2001). The Effect of IMF and World Bank Programmes on Poverty. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 309  
Gunter, Bernhard G. (2001). Does the HIPC Initiative Achieve its Goal of Debt Sustainability?. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 462  
Nokkala, Marko (2001). Sector Investments as part of National Fiscal Policy : Experience from ASIP in Zambia. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 316  
Booth, David (2001). PRSP Processes in Eight African Countries : Initial Impacts and Potential for Institutionalization. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 297  
Chowdhury, Abdur (2001). External Debt and Growth in Developing Countries : A Sensitivity and Causal Analysis. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 338  
Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra (2001). Twin Peaks : Convergence Empirics of Economic Growth across Indian States. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 275  
van der Heijden, Hendrik (2001). Zambian Policy-Making and the Donor Community in the 1990s. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 260  
Killick, Tony (2001). Poverty-Reducing Institutional Change and PRSP Processes : The Ghana Case. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 304  
Gounder, Rukmani and Xayavong, Vilaphonh (2001). Globalization and the Island Economies of the South Pacific. UNU-WIDER.  1.64 405