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Umezawa, Hana, (2013). The UN-EU cooperation in peace and security: the mechanisms of inter-institutional relationship. Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 11 23-44 406  
Felício, Taniâ, (2009). The United Nations and Regional Organizations: The Need for Clarification and Cooperation. Studia Diplomatica, LXII(3), 13-20 172  
Graham, Kennedy, (2004). The United Nations: Facing A Fork in the Road. New Zealand International Review, XXIX(5), 24-28 165  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2013). The unity and diversity in regional integration studies. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Special Issue 15-24 533  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). The Upgrade of the EU in the UN and the Changing Nature of Multilateralism. Community Posts, 1-2 272 42
Lietaert, Ine, (2018). The Usefulness of Reintegration Support: The Dual Perspectives of Returnees and Caseworkers. The British Journal of Social Work, 1-18 156  
Kingah, Stephen and Smis, Stefaan, (2008). The Utility of Counter-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of WMD Clauses Under the EU-ACP Revised Cotonou Agreemen. International and Comparative Law Quarterly,, 57(1), 149-168 200  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Iapadre, Lelio, (2008). The World is not Flat: Implications for the Construction of Globalisation Indicators. World Economics, 9(4), 159-180 192  
Lietaert, Ine, Derluyn, Ilse and Tizazu, Ashenafi, (2021). Towards a Definition For Returnees' Reintegration Processes in the Context of Rural Ethiopia. International Migration, 59(2), 202-220 78  
Maes, Leonie, (2012). Towards an effective United Nations-African Union partnership for peace: a critical outlook based on the implementation of the R2P in Libya. Journal of African Union Studies, 1(2, 3), 61-76 608  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). Towards an EU Strategy for Cultural and Science Diplomacy that is integrated in the Wider Foreign and Security Policy. EL-CSID Blog, 1-1 150  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Towards a Regional World Order. UN Chronicle, XLI(3), 12-13 139  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2005). Towards a Regional World Order. Romanian Journal of International and Regional Studies, 1(2-Jan), 13-16 140  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Towards a World of Regions and States. UNU Website, 1-1 155  
Maes, Léonie, (2013). “Towards effective global-regional partnerships for peace?”. Reinventing Peace, n/a-n/a 442  
Di Stefano, Cristina, Lapadre, Lelio and Salvati, Ilaria, (2021). Trade and infrastructure in the Belt and Road Initiative: A Gravity Analysis Based on Revealed Trade Preferences. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(2), n/a-n/a 69  
Kingah, Stephen, (2006). Trade and Investment in the Wider Europe : EU Neighbourhood Policy for Enhanced Regional Integration. International Organization Law Review, 3(2), 317-340 160  
Gavin, Brigid, (2003). Trade and Investment in the Wider Europe : EU Neighbourhood Policy for Enhanced Regional Integration. The Journal of World Investment, 4(5), 893-907 173  
Robbani, Golam, (2005). Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Least Developed Countries. Journal of World Intellectual Property, 8(4), 565-573 303  
Rettberg, Angelika, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Rodríguez, Liliana Lizarazo and Ortiz-Riomalo, Juan Felipe, (2014). Trading Rights? Analyzing the Role of a Rights Discourse in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in Colombia. Iberoamericana, XIV(3), 167-172 178  
Farrell, Mary, (2004). Turbulent Times for the Stability and Growth Pact. EU Political Economy Newsletter, 2 2-6 186  
Baert, Francis and Desmet, Lien, (2015). Twintig jaar na het Beijing Action Plan - De emancipatie van de vrouw binnen de Verenigde Naties. Wereldbeeld, 39(176), 32-45 206  
Baert, Francis, (2015). Twintig jaar Wereldhandelsorganisatie. Wereldbeeld, 39(173), 60-65 190  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). UN and EU: Partners in Security Governance?. RSIS Commentary, 3-3 169  
López de San Román, Alea and Schunz, Simon, (2017). Understanding European Union Science Diplomacy. Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), n/a-n/a 636   0
Tavares, Rodrigo, (2008). Understanding regional peace and security: a framework for analysis. Contemporary Politics, 14(2), 107-127 243  
Mordonu, Aurora, (2004). Verkiezingen in Roemenië. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 26(49), 19-21 184  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Wouters, Jan, Van Langenhove, Luk, Vidal, Maarten and De Vriendt, Wouter, (2006). Vlaanderen en de Benelux: Elementen voor een Toekomstvisie. Instituut voor Internationaal Recht, 101 1-31 189  
Hosli, Madeleine, Plechanovová, Běla and Kaniovski, Serguei, (2018). Vote Probabilities, Thresholds and Actor Preferences: Decision Capacity and the Council of the European Union. Homo Oeconomicus - Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics, 35(2-Jan), 1-22 262  
Baert, Francis, (2015). Vrijhandelsakkoorden en de Wereldhandelsorganisatie 2.0. Wereldbeeld, 39(173), 5-8 198  
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Cassidy-Neumiller, Martha, Ntugulo Francine, Nabintu and Maatta, Neil, (2021). Water, Conflicts and Migration and the Role of Regional Diplomacy: Lake Chad, Congo Basin, and the Mbororo Pastoralist. Environmental Science & Policy, 122 35-48 90  
Tjahja, Nadia, Meyer, Trisha and Shahin, Jamal, (2021). What is Civil Society and Who Represents Civil Society at the IGF? An Analysis of Civil Society Typologies in Internet Governance. Telecommunications Policy, 45(6), 102141-102141 61  
Amaya, Ana B., Rollet, Vincent and Kingah, Stephen, (2015). What's in a Word? The Framing of Health at the Regional Level: ASEAN, EU, SADC and UNASUR. Global Social Policy, 15(3), 229-260 265  
Verhaeghe, Elke and Marjolein Derous, (2019). When P Stands for Politics. The Role of the EU in the VPAs: A Research Agenda. Forest Policy and Economics, 101 81-87 236  
Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2012). Whose regionalism in Africa?. GREAT Insights, 1(9), 436  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Why we need to 'unpack' regions to compare them more effectively. The International Spectator, 47(1), 16-29 535   0