What's in a Word? The Framing of Health at the Regional Level: ASEAN, EU, SADC and UNASUR

Amaya, Ana B., Rollet, Vincent and Kingah, Stephen, (31-0). What's in a Word? The Framing of Health at the Regional Level: ASEAN, EU, SADC and UNASUR. Global Social Policy, 15(3), 229-260

Document type:

  • Author Amaya, Ana B.
    Rollet, Vincent
    Kingah, Stephen
    Title What's in a Word? The Framing of Health at the Regional Level: ASEAN, EU, SADC and UNASUR
    Appearing in Global Social Policy
    Volume 15
    Issue No. 3
    Publication Date 31-08-2015
    Place of Publication Thousand Oaks
    Publisher SAGE
    Start page 229
    End page 260
    Language EN

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union, the Southern African Development Community and the Union of South American Nations have increasingly been involved in health diplomacy in the past decade, yet little is known about how they frame health as a foreign policy issue and how this has an impact on their prioritisation of policies. For this, we conducted a review of existing grey and peerreviewed literature that address regional integration and health, as well as a documentary review according to security, development, trade, human rights, moral/ethical reasonings and global public goods frames identified in the literature. The policy frames identified responded to the challenges these regions currently face. The Association of Southeast Asian Nation's struggle with reemerging diseases has led to favouring a securitisation approach to health, the European Union approaches health as a crosscutting policy issue, the Southern African Development Community presents health as a driver for development, and while the Union of South American Nations emphasises health as a human right and addresses the social determinants of health as an ethical imperative. Overall, these policy frames were useful in analysing the framing of health in foreign policy at the regional level. However, within our analysis, we identified a new frame that approaches health as an intersectoral issue. The impact of regional organisations' forward will depend on their ability to harness their convening power and speak in a coherent voice on health matters.

    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2015
    Copyright type Creative Commons
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