Climate change and mental health series: Co-creating a resilient future Policy Brief 2: Risk factors, vulnerabilities and inequalities
Okamoto, Sanae, Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Kariuki, Weru and Oakes, Robert (2023). Climate change and mental health series: Co-creating a resilient future Policy Brief 2: Risk factors, vulnerabilities and inequalities. United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Okamoto, Sanae
Nagabhatla, Nidhi
Kariuki, Weru
Oakes, RobertTitle Climate change and mental health series: Co-creating a resilient future Policy Brief 2: Risk factors, vulnerabilities and inequalities Publication Date 2023-12-11 Place of Publication Maastricht Publisher United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology Pages 5 Language eng Abstract Climate change–driven gender-based violence and mental health problems are gender sensitive, especially in developing countries where coping strategies are limited by resource deficiencies. Insufficient mental health support is negatively impacting the mental well-being of young individuals and children, particularly in the face of climate change impacts and disaster occurrences. Water insecurity (including dry conditions or floods) that hampers access and availability is a major risk factor for mental health. It is more so for women and girls, especially in rural areas where they are often responsible for provisioning water. Climate change is disproportionately harming the mental health of marginalized and vulnerable populations, including migrants and displaced populations. Integrating mental health into climate change adaptation, mitigation and disaster recovery efforts remains key to reducing the risk of mental health problems. UNBIS Thesaurus MENTAL HEALTH
Well-beingCopyright Holder United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons -
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