Climate informed engineering: an essential pillar of industry 4.0 transformation
Shokri, Nima, Stevens, Bjorn, Madani, Kaveh, Grabe, Jürgen, Schlüter, Michael and Smirnova, Irina, (2022). Climate informed engineering: an essential pillar of industry 4.0 transformation. ACS Engineering Au, 3(1), 3-6
Document type:
Sub-type Journal article Author Shokri, Nima
Stevens, Bjorn
Madani, Kaveh
Grabe, Jürgen
Schlüter, Michael
Smirnova, IrinaTitle Climate informed engineering: an essential pillar of industry 4.0 transformation Appearing in ACS Engineering Au Volume 3 Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2022-11-01 Place of Publication online Publisher American Chemical Society Start page 3 End page 6 Language eng Abstract Breakthroughs in computing have led to development of new generations of Earth Systems Models providing detailed information on how our planet may locally respond to the ongoing global warming. Access to such climate information systems presents an unprecedented opportunity for engineers to make tangible contributions to climate adaptation through integration of climate information in their products, designs, and services. We introduce the concept of “Climate Informed Engineering” (CIE) as an emerging interdisciplinary field integrating climatic considerations in engineering products and services. The concept behind CIE is to enable engineers to build infrastructure, devices, sensors or develop new materials and processes that are informed by climate and climate change information. We believe CIE will be an increasingly important dimension of Engineering Science resonating with engineers and scientists with different backgrounds. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE Keyword Climate Informed Engineering
Climate adaptation
Technology for sustainable resource management
Green transitionCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 2694-2488 DOI -
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