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Brouwer, Floor, Caucci, Serena, Karthe, Daniel, Kirschke, Sabrina, Madani, Kaveh, Mueller, Andrea, Zhang, Lulu and Guenther, Edel, (2024). Advancing the resource nexus concept for research and practice. Sustainability Nexus Forum, n/a-n/a 67  
Madani, Kaveh, Farhidi, Faraz and Gholizadeh, Sona, (2022). Bargaining Power in Cooperative Resource Allocations Games.. Algorithms, 15(445), 445-n/a 205  
Loghmani-Khouzani, Taha, Dany, Victoria, Seifert, Nadine, Madani, Kaveh and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2024). Can citizen science in water-related nature-based solutions deliver transformative participation in agri-food systems? A review.. Agricultural Systems, 220 n/a-n/a 51  
Shokri, Nima, Stevens, Bjorn, Madani, Kaveh, Grabe, Jürgen, Schlüter, Michael and Smirnova, Irina, (2022). Climate informed engineering: an essential pillar of industry 4.0 transformation. ACS Engineering Au, 3(1), 3-6 152  
Madani, Kaveh, (2022). Environmental Justice: The Overlooked Prerequisite for Transition to a Sustainable and Democratic Future. Water, Environmental and Justice: Iran, 1 6-13 154 6
Madani, Kaveh, (2021). Explainer: Iran's "Water Bankruptcy". The Iran Primer, n/a-n/a 163 21
Farhidi, Faraz, Madani, Kaveh and Crichton, Rohan, (2022). Have Extreme Events Awakened Us?. Sustainability, 14(12), 7417-n/a 139  
Saemian, Peyman, Tourian, Mohammad J., Aghakouchak, Amir, Madani, Kaveh and Sneeuw, Nico, (2022). How much water did Iran lose over the last two decades?. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41 101095-n/a 155  
Farhidi, Faraz, Madani, Kaveh and Crichton, Rohan, (2022). How the US Economy and Environment can Both Benefit From Composting Management.. Environmental Health Insights, 16 n/a-n/a 159  
Madani, Kaveh and Mahoozi, Sanam, (2022). Iran's 'Water Bankruptcy' Is a Warning for the Entire Middle East. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) website, n/a-n/a 166 9