Migrant Women’s Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study
Tharani Loganathan, Zhie X. Chan, Allard W. de Smalen and Nicola S. Pocock, (2020). Migrant Women’s Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 1-18
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Sub-type Journal article Author Tharani Loganathan
Zhie X. Chan
Allard W. de Smalen
Nicola S. PocockTitle Migrant Women’s Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study Appearing in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Volume 17 Issue No. 15 Publication Date 2020-07-26 Place of Publication Switzerland Publisher International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Start page 1 End page 18 Language eng Abstract Providing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to migrant workers is key to fulfilling sustainable developmental goals. This study aims to explore key informants’ views on the provision of SRH services for migrant women in Malaysia, exploring the provision of SRH education, contraception, abortion, antenatal and delivery, as well as the management of gender-based violence. In-depth interviews of 44 stakeholders were conducted from July 2018 to July 2019. Data were thematically analysed. Migrant workers that fall pregnant are unable to work legally and are subject to deportation. Despite this, we found that insufficient SRH information and contraceptive access are provided, as these are seen to encourage promiscuity. Pregnancy, rather than sexually transmitted infection prevention, is a core concern among migrant women, the latter of which is not adequately addressed by private providers. Abortions are often seen as the only option for pregnant migrants. Unsafe abortions occur which are linked to financial constraints and cultural disapproval, despite surgical abortions being legal in Malaysia. Pregnant migrants often delay care-seeking, and this may explain poor obstetric outcomes. Although health facilities for gender-based violence are available, non-citizen women face additional barriers in terms of discrimination and scrutiny by authorities. Migrant women face extremely limited options for SRH services in Malaysia and these should be expanded. Keyword migrant workers
Migrant health
Sexual and Reproductive HealthCopyright Holder Authors Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.3390/ijerph17155376 -
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