Browse By Depositor - Anne Cortez

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 Browse By Depositor - Anne Cortez:
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Matthew A. French, S.Fiona Barker, Ruzka R.Taruc, Ansariadi Ansariadi, Grant A. Duffy, Maghfira Saifuddaolah, Andi Zulkifli Agussalim, Fitriyanty Awaluddin, Zainal Zainal, Jane Wardani, Jane Wardani, Peter A. Faber, Peter A. Faber, Genie Fleming, Emma E. Ramsay, Rebekah Henry, Audrie Lin, Joanne O'Toole, John Openshaw, Rohan Sweeney et al., (2021). A planetary health model for reducing exposure to faecal contamination in urban informal settlements: Baseline findings from Makassar, Indonesia. Environment International, n/a-n/a 459 172
Nina Schwalbe, Brian Wahl, Jingyi Song and Susanna Lehtimaki, (2020). Data Sharing and Global Public Health: Defining What We Mean by Data. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2 n/a-n/a 198 125
Lavanya Vijayasingham, Veloshnee Govender, Sophie Witter and Michelle Remme, (2020). Employment based health financing does not support gender equity in universal health coverage. BMJ, n/a-n/a 208 80
UNU-IIGH ed. Evaluation Report for Early-Career Professionals Workshop Series 2020-10-14 Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2021. 292 115
Pascale Allotey and Michelle Remme, (2020). Gender equality should not be about competing vulnerabilities. BMJ Opinion, n/a-n/a 215  
Eimear Ruane-McAteer, Kathryn Gillespie, Avni Amin, Áine Aventin, Martin Robinson, Jennifer Hanratty, Rajat Khosla and Maria Lohan, (2020). Gender-transformative programming with men and boys to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights: a systematic review of intervention studies. BMJ Global Health, 5(10), 1-17 190 100
Tharani Loganathan, Zhie X. Chan and Nicola S. Pocock, (2020). Healthcare financing and social protection policies for migrant workers in Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 15(12), 1-20 175 112
Helena Legido-Quigley, Nicola Pocock, Sok Teng Tan, Leire Pajin, Repeepong Suphanchaimat, Kol Wickramage, Martin McKee and Kevin Pottie, (2019). Healthcare is not universal if undocumented migrants are excluded. BMJ, n/a-n/a 157 85
Shari L Dworkin, Magaly Marques, Oswaldo Montoya, Anthony Keedi and Avni Amin, (2020). How can gender transformative programmes with men advance women’s health and empowerment?. BMJ Opinion, n/a-n/a 160  
Titiporn Tuangratananon, Rapeepong Suphanchaimat, Piya Hanvoravongchai and Swee Kheng Khor, (2020). In Thailand, Noncitizen Health Matters. Think Global Health, n/a-n/a 168  
Daniel D Reidpath, Sofia Gruskin and Pascale Allotey, (2015). Is the right to health compatible with sustainability?. Journal of Global Health, 5(1), 25-28 190  
Tharani Loganathan, Zhie X. Chan, Allard W. de Smalen and Nicola S. Pocock, (2020). Migrant Women’s Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 1-18 195 97
UNU-IIGH ed. Setting the principles to underpin public investment for global ‘commons’ in a post-COVID world 2020/07/15 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020. 218 37
UNU-IIGH ed. Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses — Dialogue 1 2021/11/02 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2021. 1037 499
Rajat Khosla, (2020). Technology, Health, and Human Rights: A Cautionary Tale for the Post-Pandemic World. Health and Human Rights Journal, 22(2), 63-66 175 50
UNU-IIGH ed. The Future of Aid: Crisis and Opportunity –How the COVID-19 moment will catalyse change in the aid sector 2020/04/30 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020. 219 46
UNU-IIGH ed. The Future of Aid: towards global public investment? 2020/03/17 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia: UNU-IIGH, 2020. 225 70
Sarah Hawkes, Pascale Allotey, As Sy Elhadj, Jocalyn Clark and Richard Horton, (2020). The Lancet Commission on Gender and Global Health. The Lancet, 396(10250), 521-522 164 146
Fatima Ghani and David Tan, (2020). The Role of Green Urban Spaces in Enhancing Population Health and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 16(4), 380-383 177 101
Nina Schwalbe, (2020). The US now has vaccines, but no strategy on how to use them to defeat coronavirus. BMJ Opinion, n/a-n/a 146  
Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Atiim, George, Ghani, Fatima, Matterson, Anna-Carin, Muraya, Kui, Gay, Jill and Remme, Michelle (2020). UNU-IIGH Gender scan of UNDP HIV, TB and malaria programmes funded by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. United Nations University (UNU IIGH) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 902 757
Asha S George, Frances E McConville, Shaheem de Vries, Gustavo Nigenda, Shabnum Sarfraz and Michelle McIsaac, (2020). Violence against female health workers is tip of iceberg of gender power imbalances. BMJ, n/a-n/a 187 86
Nina Schwalbe, (2020). Why Are We Closing Schools?. The Atlantic, n/a-n/a 175  
Johanna Riha (2020). Women and Non-communicable diseases in Africa: Mapping the scale, actors and extent of rights-based work to address the impact of NCDs on African women, Ghana: African Women’s Development Fund. African Women's Development Fund. 217 130