The Role of Green Urban Spaces in Enhancing Population Health and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Fatima Ghani and David Tan, (2020). The Role of Green Urban Spaces in Enhancing Population Health and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 16(4), 380-383
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Sub-type Journal article Author Fatima Ghani
David TanTitle The Role of Green Urban Spaces in Enhancing Population Health and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Appearing in Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Volume 16 Issue No. 4 Publication Date 2020-12-01 Place of Publication Kuala Lumpur, malaysia Publisher Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Start page 380 End page 383 Language eng Abstract As urban centres pursue localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), rapidly growing cities in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), many of which are located in the Asia-Pacific region, are experiencing competing demands for limited resources. The protection and enhancement of Urban Green Spaces (UGS) is a practical, lowcost opportunity to produce multiple benefits across the SDGs, ranging from improving the health and wellbeing of city dwellers and reducing inequalities to protecting local flora and fauna and attracting economic investments for future generations. In developing a city-wide strategy for UGS that aligns with the New Urban Agenda, it is important to consider the coordination of efforts from multiple sectors through participatory decision-making mechanisms that engage the civil society and address the needs of the most vulnerable population groups regarding mobility (such as children, elderly, women and people with disabilities) to ensure no one is left behind. Keyword Population Health
Urban Green SpacesCopyright Holder The Role of Green Urban Spaces in Enhancing Population Health and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 26369346 -
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