Understanding the responsiveness of local-level e-Governance platforms of Bangladesh
Khan, Saima and Zaber, Moinul, "Understanding the responsiveness of local-level e-Governance platforms of Bangladesh" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
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Conference Publication
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Sub-type Conference paper Author Khan, Saima
Zaber, MoinulTitle Understanding the responsiveness of local-level e-Governance platforms of Bangladesh Event Series International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) Publication Date 2020-10 Place of Publication New York Publisher ACM Press Pages 400-403 Title of Event 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020) Date of Event 2020/09/23-25 Place of Event Online Language eng Abstract Bangladesh is an emerging developing country. In recent years the country has shown remarkable progress in many key human development indicators. However, still many challenges remain as here 24.3% population lives in poverty [7]. The government’s capability in ensuring better service delivery is one of the prerequisites of ensuring further development. The emergence of E-governance has opened up new possibilities for the governments in the global south. This paper is dedicated to assessing Bangladesh’s progress in facilitating E-governance at the local level. For the last few years, the Bangladesh government has given its efforts to enhance online-based applications to make government services easier and faster. According to UNDP, Bangladesh that was in the 134th position in 2010 has only reached 119th in 2020 [15]. However, this indicator gives on an aggregate idea and does not let us understand the condition at the local level. In this paper, we assess the 12 City Corporation websites of Bangladesh. We have combined two different models (UN’s five-stage model [10], [11] and Kriyar’s 4 stage model [2]), for this assessment to cater to the context of the local government in the developing world context. A survey was performed from the 1st week of May 2020 to the last week of June 2020. The analysis shows that most city corporations meet emerging and enhanced presence but none ensures participative presence. Most corporations don’t have any transactional presence. Overall, the assessment confirms the disparity among the local governments that is not understandable via national-level assessment. The findings of the results can be valuable for the policymakers contemplating on designing more effective e-government design at the local level in the developing world. UNBIS Thesaurus E-GOVERNMENT Keyword e-Government for local governments
e-Governance in developing countries
UN's 5 stage model
research line governance
research line technologyCopyright Holder ACM Press Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781450376747 DOI 10.1145/3428502.3428556 -
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