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 Browse by UNU Topics of Focus -> Global Health, Population and Sustainable Livelihoods -> Health :

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Acharya, Arnab and Martínez-Álvarez, Melisa (2012). Aid Effectiveness in the Health Sector. UNU-WIDER. 663  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2011). Aid Effectiveness : Opening the Black Box. UNU-WIDER. 665  
Cuesta, Jose A. (2001). AIDS, Economic Growth and the HIPC Initiative in Honduras. UNU-WIDER. 465  
Aleem, Samia and Bhutta, Zulfiqar A. (2013). A Review of External Assistance and Aid Effectiveness for Maternal and Child Health : Challenges and Opportunities. UNU-WIDER. 547  
Kessels, Roselinde and Erreygers, Guido (2015). A Unified Structural Equation Modelling Approach for the Decomposition of Rank-Dependent Indicators of Socioeconomic Inequality of Health. UNU-WIDER. 485  
Fielding, David, McGillivray, Mark and Torres, Sebastian (2006). A Wider Approach to Aid Effectiveness : Correlated Impacts on Health, Wealth, Fertility and Education. UNU-WIDER. 606  
Yawe, Bruno Lule (2014). Changes in Climatic Factors and Malaria in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 341  
Bhalotra, Sonia R. (2006). Childhood Mortality and Economic Growth. UNU-WIDER. 504  
Swantz, Marja-Liisa (1997). Community and Village-Based Provision of Key Social Services : A Case Study of Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 556  
van Campenhout, Bjorn, Ssekabira, Haruna and Aduayom, Dede H. (2014). Consumption Bundle Aggregation in Poverty Measurement : Implications for Poverty and its Dynamics in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 330  
Mayer-Foulkes, David (2001). Convergence Clubs in Cross-Country Life Expectancy Dynamics. UNU-WIDER. 480  
Roemer, John E. (1989). Distributing Health : the Allocation of Resources by an International Agency. UNU-WIDER. 187  
Wolf, Susanna (2007). Does Aid Improve Public Service Delivery?. UNU-WIDER. 468  
Paniccià, Renato (1997). Economic Shocks, Impoverishment and Poverty-Related Mortality during the Eastern European Transition. UNU-WIDER. 563  
Arndt, Channing, Østerdal, Lars Peter and Hussain, M. Azhar (2012). Effects of Food Price Shocks on Child Malnutrition. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Leiderer, Stefan, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Gisselquist, Rachel M. (2014). Ethnic Heterogeneity and Public Goods Provision in Zambia : Further Evidence of a Subnational ‘Diversity Dividend’. UNU-WIDER. 628  
Akpalu, Wisdom and Zhang, Xu (2014). Fast-Food Consumption and Child Body Mass Index in China : Application of an Endogenous Switching Regression Model. UNU-WIDER. 461  
Curry, John, Garbero, Alessandra, Hourihan, John, Wiegers, Esther and Stokes, C. Shannon (2006). Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods : Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries. UNU-WIDER. 420  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea, Rosignoli, Stefano and Tiberti, Luca (2008). Globalization and Health : Impact Pathways and Recent Evidence. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Bridges, Sarah and Lawson, David (2008). Health and Labour Market Participation in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 369  
Spencer, James H. (2010). Health and the Urban Transition : Effects of Household Perceptions, Illness, and Environmental Pollution on Clean Water Investment. UNU-WIDER. 380  
Mwabu, Germano (1996). Health Effects of Market-Based Reforms in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 503  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Menchini, Leonardo (2006). Health Improvements and Health Inequality during the Last 40 Years. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Dhanaraj, Sowmya (2014). Health Shocks and Coping Strategies : State Health Insurance Scheme of Andhra Pradesh, India. UNU-WIDER. 336  
Dercon, Stefan and Hoddinott, John (2003). Health, Shocks and Poverty Persistence. UNU-WIDER. 411  
Dhanaraj, Sowmya (2015). Health Shocks and the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality : Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India. UNU-WIDER. 316  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Mwabu, Germano (1997). Health Status and Health Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Long-Term Perspective. UNU-WIDER. 592  
Barnett, Tony (2008). Hoping or Discounting the Future : A New Perspective on the Transmission of HIV/AIDS. UNU-WIDER. 397  
Guillaumont, Patrick, Korachais, Catherine and Subervie, Julie (2008). How Macroeconomic Instability Lowers Child Survival. UNU-WIDER. 387  
Paniccià, Renato (1996). Impoverishment, Food Consumption and Health in Central and Eastern Europe during the Transition. UNU-WIDER. 531  
Singhal, Saurabh and Pan, Yao (2015). Income and Malaria : Evidence from an agricultural intervention in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 432  
Li, Hongbin and Zhu, Yi (2006). Income, Income Inequality, and Health : Evidence from China. UNU-WIDER. 423  
Martin, Marie-Claude (2008). Individual and Collective Resources and Health in Morocco. UNU-WIDER. 379  
Sahn, David E. and Younger, Stephen D. (2007). Inequality and Poverty in Africa in an Era of Globalization : Looking Beyond Income to Health and Education. UNU-WIDER. 405  
Canning, David and Akachi, Yoko (2015). Inferring the economic standard of living and health from cohort height : Evidence from modern populations in developing countries. UNU-WIDER. 447  
Bach, Stephen (2006). International Mobility of Health Professionals : Brain Drain or Brain Exchange?. UNU-WIDER. 454  
Drabo, Alassane (2011). Interrelationships among Health, Environment Quality, and Economic Activity : What Consequences for Economic Convergence?. UNU-WIDER. 318  
Rojas, Mariano (2008). Intra-Household Arrangements and Health Satisfaction : Evidence from Mexico. UNU-WIDER. 367  
Lustig, Nora (2006). Investing in Health for Economic Development : The Case of Mexico. UNU-WIDER. 410  
Benn, Julia and Jespersen, Eva (2007). Issues to Consider in Assessing International Support for Realizing Children’s Rights : A Reflection on Aid Modalities and Transparency in Reporting, and a Review of Aid for Basic Social Services. UNU-WIDER. 319  
Parthasarathy, Devanathan, Bantilan, Cynthia Serquina and Gandhi, B. Valentine Joseph (2008). Livelihood Risk from HIV in Semi-Arid Tropics of Rural Andhra Pradesh. UNU-WIDER. 405  
O'Donnell, Owen and van Doorslaer, Eddy (2008). Measurement and Explanation of Inequality in Health and Health Care in Low-Income Settings. UNU-WIDER. 453  
Kakwani, Nanak (1986). On Measuring Undernutrition. UNU-WIDER. 207  
Blöndal, Nina and White, Howard (2007). Projecting Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals. UNU-WIDER. 310  
Glewwe, Paul and Litvack, Jennie (1998). Provision of Health Care and Education in Transitional Asia : Key Issues and Lessons from Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 478  
Espejo, Francisco, Gelli, Aulo, Kristjansson, Elizabeth and Shen, Jing (2014). Putting It All Together : Aggregating Impacts of School-Feeding Programmes on Education, Health and Nutrition: Two Proposed Methodologies. UNU-WIDER. 337  
Brock, Dan W. (1989). Quality of Life Measures in Health Care and Medical Ethics. UNU-WIDER. 218  
Burnham, Gilbert, Waters, Hugh and Garrett, Brinnon (2007). Rehabilitating Health Systems in Post-Conflict Situations. UNU-WIDER. 406  
Mani, Subha (2007). Role of the Household and Community in Determining Child Health. UNU-WIDER. 303  
Paniccià, Renato (1997). Short- and Long-Term Determinants of Cardiovascular Mortality : An Econometric Assessment of the Working Age Population in Russia, 1965-95. UNU-WIDER. 608