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De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lizarazo, Liliana, "Cumplimiento de Tratados de Libre Comercio: Carácter vinculante de sus reglas y justiciabilidad de derechos constitucionales" in Después de Santiago: Integración regional y relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina ed. Roy, Joaquin (Miami: University of Miami, 2013), 209-220. 570 109
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Kochi, Shigeru and Briceño-Ruiz, José, Del regionalismo latinoamericano a la integración interregional, (Madrid: Fundación Carolina and SigloXXI, 2008). 277 399
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lizarazo Rodríguez, Liliana, "Fine-Tuning Export Promotion Policies in Colombia" in International Business, Not As Usual (Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant, 2011), 117-136. 245 29
Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Rullan, Samantha, "Gobernanza económica en tiempos de crisis financiera en la Unión Europea" in Nuevos paradigmas de gestión y organización desde la perspectiva latinoamericana ed. Saldaña, Alejandro and Ricardez, Jerónimo (Xalapa: Códice, 2013), 295-308. 455 226
Abass, Ademola and Ippolito, Francesca, "Introduction – Regional Approaches to the Protection of Asylum Seekers: an International Legal Perspective" in Regional Approaches to the Protection of Asylum Seekers: An International Legal Perspective (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), n/a-n/a. 214  
Molano Cruz, Giovanni  (2009). L'intégration régionale contemporaine: Figure de coopération multidimensionnelle. United Nations University. 138 109
Tavares, Rodrigo, Security in South America: The Role of States and Regional Organizations, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2014). 572  
Ferráns, Laura, Avellán, Tamara, Müller, Andrea, Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Dornack, Christina and Caucci, Serena, (2019). Selecting Sustainable Sewage Sludge Reuse Options through a Systematic Assessment Framework: Methodology and Case Study in Latin America. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242 1-12 571  
Ferrans, Laura, Avellan, Tamara, Müller, Andrea, Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Dornack, Christina and Caucci, Serena, (2019). Selecting sustainable sewage sludge reuse options through a systematic assessment framework: Methodology and case study in Latin America. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242 118389-n/a 86  
Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Bacaria i Colom, Jordi, "Uniones Monetarias e independencia de los Bancos centrales en América Latina" in Política Económica: análisis monetario, regional e institucional ed. Perrotini, Ignacio (Puebla: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2013), 83-106. 418  
Popovski, Vesselin, Stratton, Johanna and Huebner, Kalle (2009). UNU Policy Brief Number 5, 2009. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 112 26