Cumplimiento de Tratados de Libre Comercio: Carácter vinculante de sus reglas y justiciabilidad de derechos constitucionales
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lizarazo, Liliana, "Cumplimiento de Tratados de Libre Comercio: Carácter vinculante de sus reglas y justiciabilidad de derechos constitucionales" in Después de Santiago: Integración regional y relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina ed. Roy, Joaquin (Miami: University of Miami, 2013), 209-220.
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Book Chapter
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Author De Lombaerde, Philippe
Lizarazo, LilianaBook Editor Roy, Joaquin Chapter Title Cumplimiento de Tratados de Libre Comercio: Carácter vinculante de sus reglas y justiciabilidad de derechos constitucionales Book Title Después de Santiago: Integración regional y relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina Publication Date 2013 Place of Publication Miami Publisher University of Miami Start page 209 End page 220 Language Sp Abstract This compilation is dedicated to meditate on the context, the decisions and the consequences of the Summit between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which was held in Santiago de Chile at the end of January 2013. This event is connected with other circumstances that exercise a direct incidence on the success of the operation or simply concern the relations between regions and blocks of states. It is necessary to pay attention to the global state of the regional integration and inter-state cooperation in the context of a complex bicontinental scenario. UNBIS Thesaurus EUROPE
Regional Integration
COOPERATION BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONSCopyright Holder Jean Monnet Chair / University of Miami Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9780415809962 -
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