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Kanyepi, Tarisai, Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Sanchez Santillano, Alberto, Tambo, Erick G., Dibba, Lamin, Demba, Trewally, Jallow, Demba B. and Ceesay, Mustapha ed. AgriVoltaics2022 2022/06/16 Piacenza. Freiburg: AIP Publishing, 2022. 117 31
Kanyepi, Tarisai, Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Sanchez Santillano, Alberto, Tambo, Erick G., Dibba, Lamin, Demba, Trewally, Jallow, Demba B. and Ceesay, Mustapha ed. AgriVoltaics2022 2022/06/16 Piacenza. Freiburg: AIP Publishing, 2022. 160 49
Landman, Todd, Trodd, Zoe, Darnton, Hannah, Durgana, Davina, Moote, Kilian, Jones, Paul, Setter, Chloe, Bliss, Nadya, Powell, Sharlena and Cockayne, James ed. Code 8.7: Conference Report 2019/02/19-20 New York. New York: United Nations University, 2019. 1529 927
Lopes, Claudia A. and Erridge, Marcus, "Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development" in Human Rights Responsibilities in the Digital Age States, Companies and Individuals ed. Andrew, Jonathan and Bernard, Frédéric (London: Hart Publishing, 2021), 205-220. 256  
Thinyane, Hannah and Sassetti, Francisca, "Digital Technology for Unmasking Labour Exploitation in Supply Chains" in The Future of Digital Work: The Challenge of Inequality ed. R.K. Bandi, C. R. R., S. Klein, S. Madon and E. Monteiro (Cham: Springer, 2020), 267-280. 650  
Jupesta, Joni, Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri, Novita, Nisa and Adisaputro, Didi (2023). Digital Traceability on Agriculture Industry towards Net Zero GHG Emissions in Developing Countries: Case of Southeast Asia. STI Forum Science Policy Briefs. UN DESA. 298 132
Riha, Johanna, Lopes, Claudia A., Ibrahim, Naima A. and Srinivasan, Sharath, (2021). Media and Digital Technologies for Mixed Methods Research in Public Health Emergencies Such as COVID-19: Lessons Learned From Using Interactive Radio–SMS for Social Research in Somalia. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(3), 304-326 186 129
Pu, Jian, Korwatanasakul, Upalat, Sumaway, Alexandra Marie Naval, Sirivunnabood, Pitchaya and Chapagain, Saroj (2024). Revitalizing Local Economies: A Case of Japan's Furusato Nozei Program and Its Digital Transformation Impact on Tax Decentralization, Economic Growth, and Sustainable Development. T20 Policy Brief. T20 Brasil. 149