Digital Traceability on Agriculture Industry towards Net Zero GHG Emissions in Developing Countries: Case of Southeast Asia
Jupesta, Joni, Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri, Novita, Nisa and Adisaputro, Didi (2023). Digital Traceability on Agriculture Industry towards Net Zero GHG Emissions in Developing Countries: Case of Southeast Asia. STI Forum Science Policy Briefs. UN DESA.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Jupesta_Nugroho_et_al.3.05.2023.pdf Jupesta_Nugroho_et_al.3.05.2023.pdf application/pdf 202.91KB -
Sub-type Policy brief Author Jupesta, Joni
Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri
Novita, Nisa
Adisaputro, DidiTitle Digital Traceability on Agriculture Industry towards Net Zero GHG Emissions in Developing Countries: Case of Southeast Asia Series Title STI Forum Science Policy Briefs Volume/Issue No. 10 Publication Date 2023-05-03 Place of Publication New York Publisher UN DESA Pages IV, 4 Language eng Abstract The latest 6th IPCC Report has been highlighted the role of digital technologies to mitigate climate change. This policy brief outlines the role of digital technology to ensure deforestation free supply chain in agriculture industry towards net zero greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions. It was shown that the digital traceability could be effective tool to monitor, reporting and verification (MRV) of the GHG emissions from land use change in the case of agriculture products. In the future, the cost of digital technology could be reduced thanks to massive utilization and granularity. UNBIS Thesaurus AGRICULTURE
CLIMATE CHANGEKeyword Net zero Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons -
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