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Baumert, Niklas. Advancing Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Decision-Making and Research – Case Study from the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) Project. 6723 640
Cotti, Davide, Harb, Mostapha, Hadri, Abdessamad, Aboufirass, Mohammed, Rkha Chaham, Khalid, Libertino, Andrea, Campo, Lorenzo, Trasforini, Eva, Krätzschmar, Elke, Bellert, Felicitas and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2022). An Integrated Multi-Risk Assessment for Floods and Drought in the Marrakech-Safi Region (Morocco). Frontiers in Water, 4 1-17 586 209
Wetzel, Mario, Schudel, Lorina, Almoradie, Adrian, Komi, Kossi, Adounkpè, Julien, Walz, Yvonne and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2022). Assessing Flood Risk Dynamics in Data-Scarce Environments— Experiences From Combining Impact Chains With Bayesian Network Analysis in the Lower Mono River Basin, Benin. Frontiers in Water, 4 1-16 591  
Abeling, Thomas. Can we learn to be resilient? Institutional constraints for social learning in heatwave risk management in London, UK. 6556 646
Sett, Dominic, Waldschmidt, Florian, Rojas-Ferreira, Alvaro, Sagala, Saut, Arce Mojica, Teresa d.J., Koirala, Preeti, Sanady, Patrick, Widjaja, Christina N., Kreft, Soenke, Souvignet, Maxime and Sandholz, Simone (2022). Climate and disaster risk analytics tool for adaptive social protection. United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 1732 1013
Hagenlocher, Michael, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Sebesvari, Zita, Bertram, Mathias, Renner, Kathrin, Renaud, Fabrice G., Wiley, Helen and Zebisch, Marc, Climate Risk Assesment for Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A guidebook for planners and practitioners, (Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2018). 9070  
Zebisch, Marc, Renner, Kathrin, Pittore, Massimiliano, Fritsch, Uta, Fruchter, Sophie Rose, Kienberger, Stefan, Schinko, Thomas, Sparkes, Edward, Hagenlocher, Michael, Schneiderbauer, Stefan and Delves, Jess L. (2023). Climate Risk Sourcebook. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 284 330
Meza, Isabel, Eyshi Rezaei, Ehsan, Siebert, Stefan, Ghazaryan, Gohar, Nouri, Hamideh, Dubovyk, Olena, Gerdener, Helena, Herbert, Claudia, Kusche, Juergen, Popat, Eklavyya, Rhyner, Jakob, Jordaan, Andries, Walz, Yvonne and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2021). Drought risk for agricultural systems in South Africa: drivers, spatial patterns, and implications for drought risk management. Science of the Total Environment, 799 n/a-n/a 657 1150
Hagenlocher, Michael, Meza, Isabel, Anderson, Carl C., Min, Annika, Renaud, Fabrice G., Walz, Yvonne, Siebert, Stefan and Sebesvari, Zita, (2019). Drought vulnerability and risk assessments: state of the art, persistent gaps, and research agenda. Environmental Research Letters, 1-23 1037 312
Rossi, Lauro, Wens, Marthe, de Moel, Hans, Cotti, Davide, Sabino Siemons, Anne-Sophie, Toreti, Andrea, Maetens, Willem, Masante, Dario, Van Loon, Anne, Hagenlocher, Michael, Rudari, Roberto, Naumann, Gustavo, Meroni, Michelle, Avanzi, Francesco, Isabellon, Michel and Barbosa, Paulo (2023). European Drought Risk Atlas. European Commission. 298  
Behre, Eike, Waldschmidt, Florian, Daou, David, Rojas, Alvaro, Arce Mojica,Teresa, Koirala, Preeti, Ullah, Irfan, Sebesvari, Zita, Kreft, Soenke and Souvignet, Maxime (2021). Executive Summary - Cần Thơ, Vietnam Compound Flood Risk & Heat Waves. United Nations University – Institute for Environment & Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. 1097  
Waldschmidt, Florian, Behre, Eike, Daou, David, Rojas, Alvaro, Arce Mojica,Teresa, Koirala, Preeti, Ullah, Irfan, Sebesvari, Zita, Kreft, Soenke and Souvignet, Maxime (2021). Executive Summary: Ethiopia - Drought Risk. United Nations University – Institute for Environment & Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Frankfurt School of Finance & Managemen. 1243  
Rojas, Alvaro, Daou, David, Waldschmidt, Florian, Behre, Eike, Sebesvari, Zita, Kreft, Soenke and Souvignet, Maxime (2021). Executive Summary: San Pedro Sula - Honduras Urban Flood Risk. United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) & Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. 2268 438
Bogardi, Janos J., Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos and Sakulski, Dusan, "Focusing on the Environment and Human Security Nexus" in Geophysical hazards: minimizing risk, maximizing awareness series ed. Beer, T. (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2010), 31-39. 794  
Garschagen, Matthias, Doshi, Deepal, Reith, Jonathan and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2021). Global patterns of disaster and climate risk—an analysis of the consistency of leading index-based assessments and their results. Climatic Change, 169 1-19 449  
Sett, Dominic, Widjaja, Christina N., Sanady, Patrick, Greco, Angelica, Setiadi, Neysa, Sagala, Saut, Rozanna, Cut Sri and Sandholz, Simone (2022). Hazards, Exposure and Vulnerability in Indonesia: A risk assessment across regions and provinces to inform the development of an Adaptive Social Protection Road Map. United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 1883 1472
Kulinkina, Alexandra V., Walz, Yvonne, Koch, Magaly, Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo and Utzinger, Juerg, (2018). Improving spatial prediction of Schistosoma haematobium prevalence in southern Ghana through new remote sensors and local water access profiles. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(6), 1-22 617 100
Simon Zaugg (2023). Including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments. United Nations University. 210 1137
Benita Nathania and Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, "Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Using Geospatial Technique: Reference from Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan" in Landslide: Susceptibility, Risk Assessment and Sustainability (Cham: Springer Cham, 2024), 25-52. 154  
Walz, Yvonne, Wegmann, Martin, Dech, Stefan, Vounatsou, Penelope, Poda, Jean-Noël, N'Goran, Eliézer K., Utzinger, Jürg and Raso, Giovanna, (2015). Modeling and validation of environmental suitability for schistosomiasis transmission using remote sensing. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(11), 1-22 986 105 0
Asare-Kyei, Daniel, Forkuor, Gerald and Venus, Valentijn, (2015). Modeling Flood Hazard Zones at the Sub-District Level with the Rational Model Integrated with GIS and Remote Sensing Approaches. Water, 7(7), 3531-3564 707   0
Cockayne, James, Gleason, Kelly A., Diego-Rossell, Pablo, Stewart, Shannon, Gauer Bermudez, Laura, Joudo Larsen, Jacqueline and Silverman, Bernard W (2019). Modelling Modern Slavery Risk. Delta 8.7 Symposia. United Nations University. 1000 852
Sandholz, Simone, Sett, Dominic, Greco, Angelica, Wannewitz, Mia and Garschagen, Matthias, (2021). Rethinking urban heat stress: Assessing risk and adaptation options across socioeconomic groups in Bonn, Germany. Urban Climate, 37 1-19 768 274
Zebisch, Marc, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fritzsche, Kerstin, Bubeck, Philip, Kienberger, Stefan, Kahlenborn, Walter, Schwan, Susanne and Below, Till, (2021). The vulnerability sourcebook and climate impact chains – a standardised framework for a climate vulnerability and risk assessment. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 12(5), 1-25 5411 619
Kloos, Julia, Asare-Kyei, Daniel, Pardoe, Joanna and Renaud, Fabrice G. (2015). Towards the Development of an Adapted Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Framework for the West Sudanian Savanna Zone. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS. 7036 428
Sparkes, Edward, Hagenlocher, Michael, Cotti, Davide, Banerjee, Sumana, Masys, Anthony J., Rana, Sohel, Shekhar, Himanshu, Sodogas, Victor A., Surtiari, Gusti Ayu Ketut, Valdiviezo-Ajila, Angel and Werners, Saskia E. (2023). Understanding and characterizing complex risks with Impact Webs: A guidance document. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security. 609 765
Adenle, Ademola A., (2012). Understanding Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs in Africa: The Importance of Regulation and Monitoring. Biosafety, 1(3), n/a-n/a 664 102
Warner, Koko, Loster, Thomas, Zissener, Michael, Kreft, Soenke, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Bals, Christoph, Hoeppe, Peter, Gurenko, Eugene, Burton, Ian, Haas, Armin, Garschagen, Matthias, Oft, Philine, Skees, Jerry R. and Young, Simon (2009). Vulnerable Countries and People: How Disaster Risk Reduction & Insurance Can Help Manage the Risks of Climate Change. UNU-EHS Policy Brief. United Nations University. 585 85
Krause, Steffen, Joel, Elena, Schaum, Christian, Baumer, Jan, Ruecker, Nadine, Wienand, Ina, Sturm, Christoph, Jahn-Muel, Bernhard, Geiger, Manuel, Fekete, Alexander, van der Heijden, Sophie, Heinzel, Christine and Sandholz, Simone, (2023). Water safety planning for healthcare facilities for extreme events. Journal Water Health, 1-20 99  
van der Heijden, Sophie, Cassivi, Alexandra, Mayer, Aljoscha and Sandholz, Simone, (2022). Water supply emergency preparedness and response in health care facilities: A systematic review on international evidence. Frontiers in Public Health, 1-17 339 103