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Blasiak, Robert and Doll, Christopher, (2013). 持続可能な開発とメガ目標への陶酔., n/a-n/a 794  
Izumi, Takako, Shaw, Rajib, Djalante, Riyanti, Ishiwatari, Mikio and Komino, Takeshi, (2019). Disaster risk reduction and innovations. Progress in Disaster Science, 2 1-8 523 396
Nielsen, Morten, (2017). eGovernance Frameworks for Successful Citizen Use of Online Services: A Danish-Japanese Comparative Analysis. eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDem), 9(2), 68-109 810 1521
Kemp, René (2000). Governance of Environment-Enhancing Technical change - past experiences and suggestions for improvement. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 856 192
Cockayne, James (2019). Innovation for Inclusion. Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Briefing Paper. United Nations University. 345 227
Doll, Christopher and Blasiak, Robert, (2013). Sustainable Development Goals and Our Fascination with Mega-targets., n/a-n/a 480  
Nyerere, Jackline, Mfune, Orleans, Fuh, Divine, Sulemana, Nashiru, Mutisya, Emmanuel, Yiran, Gerald, Fadairo, Olushola, Ameyaw, Joana and Oluoko-Odingo, Alice, (2014). The Role of Higher Education in Building a Sustainable African Society. African Journal of Sustainable Development, 4(3), 17-38 684