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Akrofi, Mark M., McLellan, Benjamin C. and Okitasari, Mahesti, (2024). Characterizing ‘injustices’ in clean energy transitions in Africa. Energy for Sustainable Development, 83 n/a-n/a 106 65
Akrofi, Mark M., Rabehi, Ilhem N., Abonyi, Donald C., Damascene, Niyonzima J. and Ohunakin, Olayinka S., "Energy Diversification in Africa: Status and Implications for the Clean Energy Transition" in Energy Transition in the African Economy Post 2050 (Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2023), 1-18. 222  
Thompson, Shekira, Suzuki, Masachika, Moore, Winston, Takemoto, Akio and Korwatanasakul, Upalat (2024). Fostering Renewable Energy Uptake in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Insights from Barbados. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 228 80
Zama, Noboru, Suzuki, Masachika and Shazly, Aminath, (2023). Social Acceptance and Social, Economic, and Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy - A Case Study from Hanimaadhoo Island, Maldives. The Maldives National Journal of Research, 11(Special Issue), 38-55 103  
Azhgaliyeva, Dina, Dirksen, Jakob, Korwatanasakul, Upalat, Lima de Miranda, Katharina, Okitasari, Mahesti, Rahut, Dil, Sedai, Ashish, Sonobe, Tetsushi and Takemoto, Akio (2024). Towards an Evidence-Base for the Just Transition. Think 7 Italy Policy Brief. The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI). 189 66
Yamagishi, Yuri and Suzuki, Masachika, (2023). 脱炭素に向けた地域住民の意識調査: 奄美大島瀬戸内町におけるアンケート調査に基づいた事例研究: Understanding perceptions of citizens toward decarbonization: A case study based on survey in Setouchi Town in Amami-Os. Journal of Global Environmental Studies / 地球環境学, 19 27-46 90