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De Souza, Marlos, Yo, Nishimura, Burke, Jacob, Cudennec, Christophe, Schmitter, Petra, Haileslassie, Amare, Smith, Mark, Hülsmann, Stephan, Caucci, Serena, Zhang, Lulu and Stewart, Bruce, "Agriculture and food security" in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE ed. Connor, Richard (Paris: UNESCO, 2020), 78-95. 923  
Roeger, Alexandra and Tavares, António, (2020). Do Governance Arrangements Affect the Voluntary Adoption of Water Safety Plans? An Empirical Study of Water Utilities in Portugal. Water Resources Management, 34 1757-1772 472  
Singh, Deepak, Patel, Neelam, Patra, Sridhar, Singh, Nisha, Roy, Trisha, Caucci, Serena and Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, (2021). Efficacy of drip irrigation in controlling heavy-metal accumulation in soil and crop. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 16(3), 109-121 158  
Qadir, Manzoor, Jiménez, Gabriela, Farnum, Rebecca L., Dodson, Leslie L. and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2018). Fog Water Collection: Challenges beyond Technology. Water, 10(4), n/a-n/a 801 97
Rietveld, Louis C., Siri, José G., Chakravarty, Indira, Arsenio, A.M., Biswas, Ranjit and Chatterjee, Anushree, (2016). Improving health in cities through systems approaches for urban water management. Environmental Health, 15(1:31), 151-171 651   0
Joel, Elena, Krause, Steffen, Schaum, Christian, Sturm, Christoph, Jahn-Muel, Bernhard, Ruecker, Nadine, Baumer, Jan, Wienand, Ina, Geiger, Manuel, Neuner, Steffen, Bodur, Muhammed Enes, Fekete, Alexander, van der Heijden, Sophie, Heinzel, Christine, Schultze-Florey, Nathan Fridtjof, Sandholz, Simone, Strecker, Dirk and Jezek, Werner (2024). Notfallvorsorgeplanung der Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung für Krankenhäuser. Projektkonsortium NOWATER. 135  
Karimov, Akmal, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Karimov, Aziz, Khodjiev, Khalim, Yakubov, Sadyk, Platonov, Alexander and Avliyakulov, Mirzaolim, (2017). Reducing the energy intensity of lift irrigation schemes of Northern Tajikistan – potential options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(2), 2967-2975 384 199
Caroline Pestieau, Naser Faruqui, Odeh Al-Jayyousi, Hussein Amery, Sadok Atallah, M. Z. Khan, Mazen Malkawi, S. M. S. Shah, M. A. Baig, A. A. Khan, H. F. Gabriel, Walid Abderrahman, Nader Al Khateeb, M. T. Kadouri, Y. Djebbar, M. Nehdi, Contreras, Dante, Kazem Sadr and Iyad Hussein, Water management in Islam, ed. Naser Faruqui, Biswas, Asit K. and Murad Bino (Tokyo and Ottawa: United Nations University, 2001). 224 497