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Bello, Valeria, (2014). Virtual Belongings, Dual Identities and Cultural Discomforts. The role of Mediaspaces and Technospaces in the Integration of Migrants. Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 5(2 and 3), 2013-2229 832   0
Kanie, Norichika, "Visioning transformative sustainable development governance" in Green economy and good governance for sustainable development: opportunities, promises and concerns (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2012), 199-220. 792  
Chew, Fiona L., Thavaratnam, Lakana K., Shukor, Intan N., Ramasamy, Sunder, Rahmat, Jamalia, Reidpath, Daniel D., Allotey, Pascale and Alagaratnam, Joseph, (2018). Visual impairment and amblyopia in Malaysian pre-school children - The SEGPAEDS study. The Medical journal of Malaysia, 73(1), 25-30 424  
Mannschatz, Theresa, Buchroithner, Manfred F. and Hülsmann, Stephan, "Visualization of Water Services in Africa: Data Applications for Nexus Governance" in Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change ed. Kurian, Mathew and Ardakanian, Reza (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015), 189-217. 928   0
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Wouters, Jan, Van Langenhove, Luk, Vidal, Maarten and De Vriendt, Wouter, (2006). Vlaanderen en de Benelux: Elementen voor een Toekomstvisie. Instituut voor Internationaal Recht, 101 1-31 175  
Van Langenhove, Luk, Wouters, Jan, Vidal, Maarten, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Janssen, Inge, Costea, Ana-Cristina and De Vriendt, Wouter (2006). Vlaanderen en de Benelux: Elementen voor een toekomstvisie. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 180  
Tavares, António, Moreno Pires, Sara and Teles, Filipe, (2021). Voice, responsiveness, and alternative policyvenues: An analysis of citizen complaints againstthe local government to the national Ombudsman. Public Administration, 1-19 258  
Norbäck, Dan, Hashim, Jamal H., Hashim, Zailina and Ali, Faridah, (2017). Volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) in schools in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Associations with rhinitis, ocular, throat and dermal symptoms, headache and fatigue. Science Of The Total Environment, 592 153-160 670 1521 0
Mukherjee, Vivekananda and Ramani, Shyama V. (2011). Voluntary agreements and community development as CSR in innovation strategies. UNU-MERIT. 762 315
Swaminathan, Shailender and Nugent, Jeffrey B. (2005). Voluntary Contributions to Informal Activities Producing Public Goods: Can These be Induced by Government and Other Formal Sector Agents? : Some Evidence from Indonesian Posyandus. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Debray, Alix and Ruyssen, Ilse (2022). Voluntary Immobility: A Global Analysis of Staying Preferences. UNU-CRIS Working Paper. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 52  
O'Neil, Siobhan, Mabrouk, Sherif and Van Broeckhoven, Kato (2021). Volunteer Security Outfits in North East Nigeria. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Findings Report. United Nations University. 630 1355
Zirkl, Frank, Topfer, Tobias, Sandholz, Simone and Coy, Martin, (2017). Von Leuchttürmen und Hinterhöfen. Brasilianische Metropolen zwischen Konsolidierung und neuen Herausforderungen. Geographische Rundschau, 4/2017 16-21 870  
Hosli, Madeleine, Plechanovová, Běla and Kaniovski, Serguei, (2018). Vote Probabilities, Thresholds and Actor Preferences: Decision Capacity and the Council of the European Union. Homo Oeconomicus - Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics, 35(2-Jan), 1-22 247  
Baert, Francis, (2015). Vrijhandelsakkoorden en de Wereldhandelsorganisatie 2.0. Wereldbeeld, 39(173), 5-8 183  
Vulnerabilidad y violencia en América Latina y el Caribe, ed. Gottsbacher, Markus and de Boer, John (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2016). 472  
Bohle, Hans-Georg and Glade, Thomas, "Vulnerabilitätskonzepte in Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften" in Naturrisiken und sozialkatastrophen ed. Felgentreff, Carsten and Glade, Thomas (Heidelberg: Elsevier/Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006). 724  
Birkmann, Joern and Fleischhauer, Mark ed. Vulnerabilität von Raumnutzungen, Raumfunktionen und Raumstrukturen n/a n/a. n/a: n/a, 2012. 542  
Villagrán de Léon, Juan Carlos (2006). Vulnerability: a conceptional and methodological review. UNU-EHS SOURCE. UNU- EHS. 8416 8015
Nguyen, Thanh Binh. Vulnerability and adaptation to salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. 6982 493
Hagenlocher, Michael, Renaud, Fabrice G., Haas, Susanne and Sebesvari, Zita, (2018). Vulnerability and risk of deltaic social-ecological systems exposed to multiple hazards. Science of the Total Environment, 631-632 71-80 1067  
Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos, "Vulnerability asessment : the sector approach" in Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards : towards disaster resilient societies ed. Birkmann, Joern (Tokyo: UNU-Press, 2006), n/a-n/a. 417  
Tuan, Vo Van. Vulnerability assessment of different socio-economic groups to floods in the rural Mekong Delta of Vietnam. 6872 2283
Bogardi, Janos J. and Birkmann, Joern, "Vulnerability assessment : the first step towards sustainable risk reduction" in Disasters and society : from hazard assessment to risk reduction ed. Malzahn, Dorthe and Plapp, Tina (Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin, 2005), 1-83. 1264  
Welle, Torsten, Depietri, Yaella, Angignard, Marjory, Birkmann, Joern, Renaud, Fabrice G. and Greiving, Stefan, "Vulnerability assessment to heat waves, floods, and earthquakes using the MOVE framework: test case Cologne, Germany" in Assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards ed. Birkmann, Joern, Kienberger, S. and Alexander, D. (Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2014), 91-124. 578  
Romieu, Emmanuel, Welle, Torsten, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Pelling, Mark and Vinchon, Charlotte, (2010). Vulnerability assessment within climate change and natural hazard contexts: revealing gaps and synergies through coastal applications. Sustainability Science, 5 159-170 777  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Tuan, Vo Van and Binh, Nguyen T., "Vulnerability, Coping and Adaptation to Water Related Hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta" in The Mekong Delta System: Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta ed. Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kuenzer, Claudia (Dordecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012), 245-289. 1027  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Tuan, Vo Van and Binh, Nguyen T., "Vulnerability, coping and adaptation to water related hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong delta" in The Mekong Delta system. Interdisciplinary analyses of a river delta ed. Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kuenzer, Claudia (Dordrecht: Springer Environmental Science Engineering, 2012), 245-298. 997  
van der Geest, Kees and Warner, Koko, "Vulnerability, coping and loss and damage from climate events" in Hazards, risks and disasters in society ed. Collins, Andrew E. (n/a: Elsevier, 2015), 121-144. 1223 2384 0
Naudé, Wim, Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and McGillivray, Mark (2008). Vulnerability in Developing Countries. United Nations University Press. 1617 1104
Vulnerability in Developing Countries, ed. Naudé, Wim, Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and McGillivray, Mark (Tokyo: UNU Press (for WIDER), 2009). 1899 7773
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, "Vulnerability of water and electricity supply to natural hazards" in Disaster management and risk reduction: role of environmental knowledge ed. Gupta, A.K., Nair, S.S., Bemmerlein-Lux, F. and Chatterji, S. (New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2013), 271-284. 444  
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, "Vulnerability of water and wlectricity supply to natural hazards" in Disaster management and risk reduction: role of environmental knowledge ed. Gupta, Aarti (New Delhi: Narosa, 2013), 271-284. 476  
Bird, Kate and Prowse, Martin (2008). Vulnerability, Poverty and Coping in Zimbabwe. UNU-WIDER. 398  
Guzman-Molina, Jairo, Caucci, Serena, Amer A., Abdulhakeem and Schellens, Marie, (2022). Vulnerability reduction in post-conflict areas through a Nexus approach to sustainable food production systems: a case study in Colombia . Research Square, 1-23 148  
Viswanathan, Brinda and Kumar, K. S. Kavi (2006). Vulnerability to Globalization in India : Relative Rankings of States Using Fuzzy Models. UNU-WIDER. 365  
Andrews, Colin and Flores, Margarita (2008). Vulnerability to Hunger : Improving Food Crisis Responses in Fragile States. UNU-WIDER. 350  
Naudé, Wim, McGillivray, Mark and Santos-Paulino, Amelia U., (2010). Vulnerability, Trade, Financial Flows and State Failure In Small Island Developing States. Journal of Development Studies, (5), 815-827 504  
Kong, Rong and Turvey, Calum G. (2008). Vulnerability, Trust and Microcredit : The Case of China’s Rural Poor. UNU-WIDER. 319  
Warner, Koko, Loster, Thomas, Zissener, Michael, Kreft, Soenke, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Bals, Christoph, Höppe, Peter, Gurenko, Eugene, Burton, Ian and Haas, Armin (2009). Vulnerable countries and people: how disaster risk reduction & insurance can help manage the risks of climate change. UNU-EHS Policy Brief. UNU- EHS. 7321 348
Warner, Koko, Loster, Thomas, Zissener, Michael, Kreft, Soenke, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Bals, Christoph, Hoeppe, Peter, Gurenko, Eugene, Burton, Ian, Haas, Armin, Garschagen, Matthias, Oft, Philine, Skees, Jerry R. and Young, Simon (2009). Vulnerable Countries and People: How Disaster Risk Reduction & Insurance Can Help Manage the Risks of Climate Change. UNU-EHS Policy Brief. United Nations University. 546 80
Pham, Nga T.T., Nong, Duy, Sathyan, Archana R. and Garschagen, Matthias, (2020). Vulnerablitiy assessment of households to flash floods and landslides in the poor upland regions of Vietnam. Climate Risk Management, 28(100215), 1-4 291 237
Osmani, S. R. (1988). Wage Determination in Rural Labour Markets : The Theory of Implicit Co-operation. UNU-WIDER. 164  
Muysken, Joan, Sanders, Mark and van Zon, Adriaan (1998). Wage Divergence and Asymmetries in Unemployment in a Model with Biased Technical Change. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 799 202
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2008). Wage effects of R&D tax incentives: Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 792 298
Sun, Jian (1999). Wage Reform, Soft Budget Constraints and Competition. UNU-WIDER. 280  
McMichael, Celia, Nayna Schwerdtle, Patricia and Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, (2022). Waiting for the wave, but missing the tide: case studies of climate-related (im)mobility and health. Journal of Migration and Health, 7 n/a-n/a 204  
Browne, Stephen (2001). Waiving and Drowning? Debt and the Millennium Declaration Development Goals. UNU-WIDER. 329  
Patinkin, Don (1987). Walras' Law. UNU-WIDER. 187  
Auvinen, Juha and Nafziger, E. Wayne (1997). War, Hunger, and Displacement : An Econometric Investigation into the Sources of Humanitarian Emergencies. UNU-WIDER. 620