Lameiras, Mariana, Silva, Tiago and Tavares, António, "An Empirical Analysis of Social Media Usage by Local Governments in Portugal" 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018), Galway, 2018/04/04-06.
944 |
Ben Dhaou, Soumaya, Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Rohman, Ibrahim, "Bridging between Policy-Making and Academic Research: A Within-Case Analysis of the International Rankings for Justice" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018, Krems, 2018/09/03-05.
824 |
Soares, Delfina, Amaral, Luís, Ferreira, Luís, Lameiras, Mariana and Ramos, Luís Felipe (2019). Caracterização da Função TIC/Informática nas Câmaras Municipais Portuguesas. Universidade do Minho.
787 |
290 |
Lameiras, Mariana, "Characteristics of Media Governance" 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2017), New Delhi, 2017/03/07-09.
3090 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís, "Communication with local governments" ICEGOV 2022, Guimarães, 2022/10/04-07.
121 |
55 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís, "Communication with Local Governments: An Assessment of E-mail Responsiveness" 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2022), Guimarães, 2022/10/04-07.
309 |
75 |
Lameiras, Mariana, "Discussing challenges and limitations of an experimental research design to test trust in local e-government" The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
368 |
Lameiras, Mariana, "Discussing challenges and limitations of an experimental research design to test trust in local e-government" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
473 |
Tavares, António, Martins, João and Lameiras, Mariana, "Electronic Participation in a Comparative Perspective: Institutional Determinants of Performance" in Digital Government and Achieving E-Public Participation: Emerging Research and Opportunities ed. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar and María Elicia Cortés Cediel (Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2020), 87-123.
360 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Evidence-based research for Intelligent Governments: Lessons learned from the Justice system" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
643 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Evidence-based research for Intelligent Governments: Lessons learned from the Justice system" The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
507 |
Soares, Delfina, Sarantis, Demetrios and Lameiras, Mariana, "Improve cities resilience and sustainability through e-government assessment" in United Nations E-Government Survey 2018: Gearing E-Government to Support Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies ed. Aquaro, Vincenzo and Schweinfest, Stefan (New York: United Nations, 2018), 151-175.
826 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Maria João Costa, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Key indicators for justice: evidence-based research for policy-making" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
601 |
178 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Carvalho, Joana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís (2024). Mais e Melhor! Diversificar os mecanismos de participação eletrónica e melhorar a oferta de serviços online dos municípios portugueses. UNU-EGOV Policy Briefs. United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance.
Soares, Delfina, Amaral, Luís, Ferreira, Luís and Lameiras, Mariana (2019). Método de Avaliação da Presença na Internet das Câmaras Municipais Portuguesas (Versão 5.0). Universidade do Minho.
546 |
206 |
Lopes, Nuno and Lameiras, Mariana, "Opportunities, risks and challenges of using social media to foster smart governance for smart cities" 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SpliTech 2017), Split, 2017/07/12-14.
493 |
955 |
Lameiras, Mariana and Sousa, Helena, "Portugal: políticas de transparencia y reforma de los medios públicos" in Austeridad y clientelismo: Política audiovisual en España en el contexto mediterráneo y de la crisis financiera ed. Fernández Alonso, Isabel (Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa, 2017), 51-68.
701 |
Soares, Delfina, Amaral, Luís, Ferreira, Luís and Lameiras, Mariana (2019). Presença na Internet das Câmaras Municipais Portuguesas em 2019: Estudo sobre Local e-Government em Portugal. Universidade do Minho.
720 |
594 |
Susar, Deniz, Soares, Delfina, Alarabiat, Ayman, Lameiras, Mariana and Sarantis, Demetrios, "Regional Challenges and Opportunities" in United Nations E-Government Survey 2020 (New York: United Nations, 2020), 63-85.
389 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Tavares, António, Silva, Patrícia and Silva, Tiago (2020). The art of being digitally meaningful: local governments' activity on social media. UNU-EGOV Policy Briefs. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV).
Silva, Patrícia, Tavares, António, Silva, Tiago and Lameiras, Mariana, (2019). The good, the bad and the ugly: Three faces of social media usage by local governments. Government Information Quarterly, 36(3), 469-479
3606 |
Ramos, Luís Felipe M., Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís, "The Importance of ICT in Local Governments: Results from a Survey on the Characterization of the ICT Function in Portugal" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021, Granada, 2021/09/07-09.
304 |
Silva, Tiago, Tavares, António and Lameiras, Mariana, "Trendy Cities: Exploring the Adoption of Different Types of Social Media by Portuguese Municipalities" 11th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Participation (ePart 2019), San Benedetto Del Tronto, 2019/09/02-04.
574 |
Costa e Silva, Elsa and Lameiras, Mariana, (2021). What is the role of civil society in Internet governance? Confronting institutional passive perspectives with resource mobilization in Portugal. Policy & Internet, 13(4), 544-559
204 |
Ramos, Luís Felipe, Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís, "Who is behind the scenes of the ICT backstage? A study of the ICT resources in local governments" 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2021), Athens, 2021/10/06/08.
480 |
161 |