Search Results (Keywords:"Vulnerability", Journal Name:"Sustainability")

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Ndhlovu, Nobuhle, Saito, Osamu, Djalante, Riyanti and Yagi, Nobuyuki, (2017). Assessing the Sensitivity of Small-Scale Fishery Groups to Climate Change in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Sustainability, 9(12), 1-18  5.35 2749 1
Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Baunach, Daniel, Pedoth, Lydia, Renner, Kathrin, Fritzsche, Kerstin, Bollin, Christina, Pregnolato, Marco, Zebisch, Marc, Liersch, Stefan, Rivas, Maria R. and Ruzima, Salvator, (2020). Spatial‐explicit climate change vulnerability assessments based on impact chains. Findings from a case study in Burundi. Sustainability, 12(6354), 1-25  5.09 514 275
Orendain, Dan Jezreel A. and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Ignored and invisible: internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the face of COVID-19 pandemic.. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a  3.40 381 248
Sebesvari, Zita, Renaud, Fabrice G., Haas, Susanne, Tessler, Zachary, Hagenlocher, Michael, Kloos, Julia, Szabo, Sylvia, Tejedor, Alejandro and Kuenzer, Claudia, (2016). A review of vulnerability indicators for deltaic social–ecological systems. Sustainability Science, (Special Feature), 1-16  3.16 7053   0
Cremin, Emilie, O'Connor, Jack, Banerjee, Sumana, Bui, Ly Ha, Chanda, Abhra, Hua, Hieu Hong, Huynh, Da Van, Le, Hue, Murshed, Sonia B., Mashfiqus, Salehin, Vu, Anh, Sebesvari, Zita, Large, Andrew RG and Renaud, Fabrice G., (2023). Aligning the Global Delta Risk Index with SDG and SFDRR global frameworks to assess risk to socio-ecological systems in river deltas. Sustainability Science, 18(4), 1871-1891  3.16 203