Search Results (Keywords:"Satoyama", Date:" [2016\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2016\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Ichikawa, Kaoru and Elmqvist, Thomas, (2016). Satoyama landscape as social–ecological system: historical changes and future perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19 30-39  3.09 960   0
Saito, Osamu and Kamiyama, Chiho, (2016). 里山・里海の生態系サービスに支えられた地域の暮らし. 環境研究, 180 72-79  3.09 985  
UNU-IAS, Bioversity International, IGES and UNDP (2016). 社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ・シースケープ(SEPLS)におけるレジリエンス指標に関するツールキット. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  2.06 1354 1817
IGES (2016). The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) 2015. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.  2.06 327  
UNU-IAS and IR3S/UTIAS (2016). Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) in Africa. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  2.06 463 1856
(2016). Mainstreaming concepts and approaches of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes into policy and decision-making. Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  2.06 661 3303
IPSI Secretariat (2016). The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI): Working Towards Societies in Harmony with Nature. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  2.06 394 167
United Nations Development Programme (2016). A Community-Based Approach to Resilient and Sustainable Landscapes: Lessons from Phase II of the COMDEKS Programme. United Nations Development Programme.  2.06 599 1244
Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred A., Dunbar, William, Boafo, Yaw A. and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). Securing biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa: Notes from the 2015 Satoyama Initiative Regional Workshop in Accra, Ghana. Bothalia, 46(1), 1-2  1.72 803 196 0