Search Results (Keywords:"Energy", isMemberOf:"UNU:532")

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Mirza, Bilal and Szirmai, Adam (2010). Towards a new measurement of energy poverty: A cross-community analysis of rural Pakistan. UNU-MERIT.  4.44 1143 412
Perrot, Radhika (2009). The Role of Firms in Energy Transformation. UNU-MERIT.  3.95 361  
Perrot, Radhika and Mytelka, Lynn K. (2008). Changing Configuration of Alternative Energy Systems. UNU-MERIT.  3.95 803 261
Perrot, Radhika (2012). The dynamics of renewable energy transition in developing countries - The case of South Africa and India. UNU-MERIT.  3.67 769 345
Gassmann, Franziska (2012). Switching the lights off: The impact of energy tariff increases on households in the Kyrgyz Republic. UNU-MERIT.  3.67 834 433
Gassmann, Franziska and Tsukada, Raquel (2013). Switching off or switching source: energy consumption and household response to higher energy prices in the Kyrgyz Republic. UNU-MERIT.  3.67 685 317
Azomahou, Théophile T., Boucekkine, Raouf and Nguyen-Van, Phu (2008). Promoting clean technologies: The energy market structure crucially matters. UNU-MERIT.  3.58 712 144
Bodas Freitas, Isabel Maria, Dantas, Eva and Iizuka, Michiko (2010). The global institutional frameworks and the diffusion of renewable energy technologies in the BRICS countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.41 834 624
Azomahou, Théophile T., Goedhuys, Micheline and Nguyen-Van, Phu (2009). A structural nonparametric reappraisal of the CO2 emissions-income relationship. UNU-MERIT.  3.41 933 355
Mirza, Bilal and Kemp, René (2009). Why Rural Rich Remain Energy Poor. UNU-MERIT.  3.01 669 180
David, Paul A. (2009). Preparing for the Next, Very Long Crisis: Towards a ‘Cool’ Science and Technology Policy Agenda For a Globally Warming Economy. UNU-MERIT.  3.01 686 247