Search Results (Keywords:"Energy", Date:" [2019\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2019\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Twerefou, Daniel K. and Tutu, Kwadwo (2019). Solar Energy as Alternative Energy Source in Ghana: Stakeholder Uptake and Business Case. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. UNU-INRA.  3.29 360 1089
Avellán, Tamara and Gremillion, Paul, (2019). Constructed Wetlands for Resource Recovery in Developing Countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 99 42-57  2.72 1818  
Mallon, Kim Lan (2019). Financing Sustainable Development in Vietnam: Solar and Wind Energy Promotion. UNU-CRIS Policy Briefs. The United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.  2.39 154  
Twum, Eric, Nje, Dorothe, Stewart-Unuigbe, Ngozi, Bortey, Henry and Thelma, Arko (2019). Greening The Wood Fuel Sector Of Ghana: The Role Of Bamboo Charcoal. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. UNU-INRA.  2.05 559 914
Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Kshourad, Chandrashekar, "Promoting Waste-to-Energy: Nexus Thinking, Policy Instruments, and Implications for the Environment" in Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Waste Treatment Processes for Energy Generation ed. Kumar, Sunil, Kumar, Rakesh and Pandey, Ashok (Amsterdam: Susan Dennis, 2019), 163-184.  2.03 516  
Roidt, Mario and Avellán, Tamara, (2019). Learning from Integrated Management Approaches to Implement the Nexus. Journal of Environmental Management, 237 609-616  1.54 651  
Kurian, Mathew, Scott, Christopher A., Reddy, V. Ratna, Alabaster, Graham, Nardocci, Adelaide, Portney, Kent E., Boer, Rizaldi and Hannibal, Bryce, (2019). One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer: Siloes, Trade-Offs and Synergies in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. frontiers in Environmental Science, 7(32), 1-17  1.37 548 1